19. Little Bird

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/recap: after being rescued by Soldier 76 from where she was kept captive by Reaper, Sienna is brought to the new secret Overwatch base where she is told they are safe - but somehow she finds herself being tormented by him day after day, as he hints that he has followed her there. Wracked with guilt at having exposed all of the Overwatch members, Sienna goes to tell Winston, only to be stopped by none other than Reaper himself - his appearance finally proving to Sienna that she truly did betray them all: Overwatch, her friends, and even her own heart./

What was she supposed to do now?

Sienna stood on the opposite side of the hallway, keeping eyes on both the dark corridor and Winston's office door with a guarded watch.

Reaper had straight up confronted her; pulled her into that corridor and told her exactly what would happen if she told Winston that he was here like she had been heading to do so.

Confused and scared, torn between continuing on to Winston's office or turning back now, Sienna knew it wasn't a light decision.

To tell Winston that she'd led Reaper and Widowmaker here, and show to all of Overwatch how she had betrayed them... or to turn back now and figure out another way to to solve this.

It was the same decision she had made up her mind on before Reaper had... pulled her off that track.

But now the ball was in a different park: a place with very different stakes at risk.

Do I risk telling him? Telling Winston everything?

Reaper's voice echoed through her mind; the way he had threatened them all if she revealed their presence.
'It won't be you who feels it first.'

The thought of watching her new friends die because of her was too much. It crept over her body and repulsed her so much she took a subconscious step backwards, away from the door. There was no choice to be made.

It's out of the question.

Even if telling Winston allowed them all a head start to prepare for battle, Reaper and Widowmaker already had access to the compound - and everywhere within it, it seemed.

It wouldn't work. They'd all be picked off one by one... and never even see it coming. Silenced before they even heard the news.

Sienna's head jerked back uncomfortably at the thought, pushing locks of curled hair around her cheeks, tickling her flushed skin.

But along with one uncomfortable thought came another more realistic one. If the two Talon members could easily do all that... they why had they not already?

What's stopping him finishing what he came for in the beginning?

'And more importantly,' Sienna muttered to herself, 'Why haven't they brought the rest of Talon along with them?'

The question sat, unanswered in her head as she turned, resolute, to walk back to everyone else.

If I tell Winston, everybody gets killed. No, there must be another way to solve this. Another solution.

With each footstep, nothing changed. With every thought, Sienna couldn't comprehend why they weren't all dead already.

A niggling feeling reminded her of the way Reaper had looked at her on that last night in his apartment; and how human he had appeared.
Was that it?

It Takes Time / Reaper x fem!OCWhere stories live. Discover now