32. Unravelled

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It only took him 15 minutes to realise. She thought she had been clever, asking to do firearm accuracy training instead of their usual hand to hand combat practise - but Sienna should have known he would find out. He wasn't a leader for nothing, and the eagle eyed soldier had called her up on it immediately.

'Show me.'

'Jack, it's okay, it's really nothing, you don't need-'

'Sienna.' He repeated sternly, arms crossed in front of her, weapons discarded to the side and training completely forgotten about. 'This is not about what I need. This is about your safety. Now show me.'

Terrified that he would recognise how the wound was inflicted, she shied away as he took another step forward, arm outstretched. Turning, she waved away his concerns.

'I'll head to the infirmary, Mercy will be around, I'll get it patched up and we'll be fine!' Her nervous laugh betrayed her though, and she could feel the soldier's eyes boring into her back. He didn't make a move towards her, but even so the air swelled with pressure.

Mercy will recognise the wounds just as easily as Jack will, you idiot. What have you done?

Jack Morrison said nothing, but her feet got heavier with every step she took away until she stopped dead still, facing the exit.
Head hung low, Sienna could already see the terrible chain of events unfolding in her head as she heard him make his way over to her.

Shrugging off her jacket, she couldn't bear to look at him as he lifted up the edge of her shirt and peeled away the bandages. Wincing slightly, she knew exactly when he removed the last layer as the sound of his sharp inhalation broke the still air. His hands dropped the bandages to the floor, but they might as well have tied the noose around her neck.

He knows.

Bracing herself for the pain of her betrayal, the anger she knew she deserved for her secrets and lies, she pressed ear eyes tight shut, refusing to let her own emotions out this time, ready to accept whatever happened next. But not this.

'I'm sorry.'

Sienna's dark eyes snapped open immediately, as Jack had turned his head away, but gently placed a hand on her shoulder. He's comforting... me?

'I couldn't even keep you safe here.'

He was so quiet, and she had never seen him like this; it crushed a part of her into a million pieces, each one stabbing into her heart like the broken trust of every member of Overwatch who she had lied to.

Unable to keep herself back, Sienna threw her arms around him, pulling the surprised man into a close hug. He stiffened up at first, but as she pressed her face into his shoulder, he slowly lifted his arm and put it around her. For a moment, nothing was okay, but Sienna felt everything that had been so pent up suddenly spring away, opening the latch.

'It's my fault, Jack. I lied to you all. He was here and I said nothing. I... I... I led him here.'
Choking on tears that she refused to admit to, Sienna gently leaned away from him and took a deep breath, hardening her resolve. When her voice came out next, it sounded almost emotionless, interrupted only by the slight shakiness of her words.

'I betrayed you. All of you. Last night... last night he came to me.' Once she has started, the truth only continued to flow.
'It wasn't just yesterday, though. He's been here from the beginning. Reaper; he says he knows everything about this place, and I- I believe him.'

A deep breath.

'He's here to get revenge, Jack. He's here to kill you.'

There was a moment between them both as they watched each other, the silence building between them.
And then he spoke, low and quiet, as if revealing a secret of his own.

'I know, Sienna.'

With a hefty sigh, the soldier leaned back on his haunches.

'I knew he had been here, but to what extent, I admit I didn't realise.' He paused for a moment, as of trying to figure out how to continue.

Looking her directly in the eye, he took a step closer again. 'This isn't what's important right now, though. Are you hurt anywhere else? What did that man - that monster - do you?

Seeing him get riled up talking about it, Sienna raised her hands to calm him.
'No, no! It's okay! It's just this... And it was an accident. He didn't mean to-'

Cutting her off, Soldier 76 was stern but quick, as if agitated to tell her - like something could happen at any second now.
'Nothing is ever an accident with that man, Sienna. Do not trust him. Do you understand me? He'd rip your heart out in a second if he felt like it.'

Sienna shivered a little at the accuracy of his words.
He had meant them in a more... Literal sense, she realised, but she also knew that Reaper had the capabilities to break her heart in more than one way at this point.

And with the way things are going now, I don't think it'll be long until this is all a huge mess.

I've been on holiday for so long that writing is weird again, so I'm sorry if this chapter doesn't flow as well as it should, or you notice any typos. If there's anything wrong with it please let me know in the comments!

On another note, things are beginning to wrap up in this story, so the next couple of chapters are going to be very.... Big
I hope everyone has enjoyed this story so far, and when the end comes I really hope you'll all be satisfied with it. You all deserve cookies for sticking with me this far 💕💕💕

Tons of love,
~Wren xxx

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