33. Bring Him Home

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It had been a couple of days since... The incident, as Sienna had started to call it, and tensions had been high around the compound.

Although Soldier 76 had supposedly known about Reaper, along with Winston, the rest of the Overwatch team had been completely out of the loop. For some, it worried them, for others, they were outraged.

Sienna could only be grateful that they weren't placing the blame on her - but whether that was because they didn't know the full story or if they truly believed it wasn't her fault: Well, that's not something I want to find out, Sienna thought darkly to herself.

One of the more outspoken members was Torbjorn, and he had been furious;

'That traitorous murderer! How dare'he slink around this place like 'e owns it? We should track 'im down and bring him in right now, with the whole of Talon on top of that!'
He ranted, waving his arms around him as he paced in front of Winston.

Zarya nodded in agreement, towering over the tiny man as she watched over from behind, arms crossed defiantly.
'We can't let them continue like this.'

Winston said nothing, but looked very serious as the day went on.

Sienna hadn't been training publicly with anybody through the past couple of days, preferring to hide herself away from the limelight and 'give herself some time to heal'.

Only genji knew the real story as he swung round her room in a surprise visit to see how she was healing, only to find her throwing the golden daggers at a makeshift target from her window.

Sienna had fallen backwards into the room as Genji suddenly appeared behind her, eyes wide and arms flailing in her descent, wavy hair billowing in her face.

Finding the situation absolutely hilarious, Genji had caught her from hitting the floor, and then taken another couple of minutes just to laugh it out while Sienna willed her red cheeks to just calm down.

By the end of it, both of them were sat laughing on her bed as he patted her lightly on the back.

'I gave you those daggers for your dedication, but it seems even I underestimated you.' Genji chuckled, looking at her fondly.

'But,' he continued, slightly more seriously, 'shouldn't you be resting?'

The ninja gestured to her bandaged side before returning to watch her dark eyes.

Staring deeply into his green visor, Sienna's heart beat slowed. The light heartedness of the situation seemed to move away, becoming more serious in the afternoon sunlight.

'I have to keep training. I can't let anything happen to anyone here. I need to be able to help. If I don't...'

There was a long pause before Sienna brought up the will to continue. Genji had done so much for her, it was heartbreaking. Every second longer she waited, the betrayal built up and up, crushing her from the inside out.

'It's my fault, Genji. He's here because... Because I let him follow me. If I hadn't pestered Jack all that time ago, if I had just made my own way, none of you would be in this situation right now, none of you...' Sienna choked on her words, but forced them out. 'None of you would be in danger. It is my duty.'

She felt like she had said it a million times now, but each time it ripped into her heart and squeezed it tight.
Sienna didn't know what she expected his response to be, but as he stood up suddenly, she realised quickly she had no idea what was going through his mind.

'Then, if you feel that strongly, you must continue.'

Slack-jawed, Sienna just stared blankly as Genji picked up the daggers from the floor.

But instead of handing them back to her, he placed them on the bed and took her hand, pulling her up.

'But first,' Genji said softly, 'let's take you to see Mercy.'

As it turned out, Mercy had indeed recognised the wounds instantly, struggling to keep a straight face as she unwrapped the bandages - but she soon became professional, cleaning the wound and preparing it.
In true Genji fashion, he struck up friendly conversation to distract from the gruesome truth of their situation, and before long both girls were in good humour.

'Angela, you're a wonder with those hands of yours. Maybe you can hold mine with them later?'

Sienna caught Angela's slight blush before she laughed it off, smiled and pretended to bat at Genji with her free hand.

'Don't distract the doctor when she's working, Genji.' she winked at him, and Sienna almost face palmed at the obviousness of them both, but settled for watching their antics.

As she left Mercy's office with Genji, she couldn't help but point out the spring in his step and watch him act completely shocked.

'Oh Sienna, of course it's not like that.. Ahem, excuse me.' Genji blurted out, turning his face away from her momentarily - but as soon as he saw her grinning face staring up at him, he lightheartedly slapped her on the back and laughed.

The rest of the walk back was filled with easy chatter, but when they got back to her room, Genji waited long enough for Sienna to sense he wanted to ask something.

Whatever he wants to ask, he deserves to know. He's helped me so much, I'd give him anything.

'Sienna... I don't mean to pry, and of course you don't have to answer if you don't want..' Genji stumbled over his words, clearly picking them up in the moment, not sure how to phrase it.

'But why is Reaper so interested in you? Is there, you know... Something between you?'

Ahh, I knew someone would ask this eventually, Sienna thought to herself, accepting the inevitability.

'There's... There's not.' She sighed.

Genji's head tilted, knowing there was something else in her mind.

'He's a dangerous man, Sienna... But he didn't use to be. No matter what Jack says, he's in there somewhere.'

Placing one hand on her shoulder, through the green glare of the visor Genji's eyes looked deep into her own.

'Bring him back, Sienna. Please.'

Turning away, Genji quietly disappeared down the corridors, leaving Sienna clutching her heart tightly in her hands.


Guess what


I don't want to give excuses, I'll just keep writing and writing and hope that's a good enough apology 😔💕💔 thank you all for being so loyal and sticking with me - a lowly piece of crap - all this time, I promise I haven't forgotten about all of you xxx

- Wren 🌶️

(And if this isn't good enough, the next chapter is written - I'm planning to publish a couple at a time)

It Takes Time / Reaper x fem!OCWhere stories live. Discover now