23. How to Save a Life

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Laid on the grass in front of her were three weapons. Or rather, four weapons, gleaming in the moonlight.

'Sienna. What is this?'

Instead of suggesting an explanation, he just leaned back on his haunches and looked at her through his visor, emotionally deadpanning.

Embarrassed but sticking to her literal guns, she spoke up, digging her shoes into the soil.
'So, they came in sets. The pistol is... Well, a pistol. I thought it would be good to have a gun just as a last resort.'

Remembering how she told the soldier about her terrible aim, she added

'I'm sure I can practice enough with it... and it's light enough to carry along with these...'

Vaguely gesturing to the piles of pure steel next to the gun, she kept peering up at the soldier from under brown waves of hair, attempting to judge his reaction. Gauging it impossible due to his visor, she continued anyway.

'Dual blades. I tried out the single, larger ones, but I felt... Too open. Too vulnerable to side attacks. These seemed to provide an alternative, and the curved blades fit nicely. They're lighter, but it's a trade-off for agility.'

Still peering up at the silent Jack Morrison, Sienna continued, getting more nervous by the second.

'And then I chose a crossbow. I thought about what you were saying... Going undetected requires stealth, and this is silent. I tried it out too, and I'm a much better aim than with the pistol...'

Trailing off, Sienna could feel her face heating up.
Why is he still silent? Why isn't he saying anything? Have I picked wrong?

Her own insecurities began to make her angry, but instead of succumbing to embarrassment and fear Sienna lifted her head high and looked Jack dead in the eyes, determined to prove herself and her choices.

He seemed to watch her for a moment, drawing out her gaze and making her wait in the cold night.

'... Get rid of the gun.'
Using his boot, the soldier shunted it a meter away from the other weapons, and walked casually towards the next pile as if he hadn't just halved her firepower.

'You said it yourself, agility is important, and an unnecessary weapon will weigh you down.'

Holding her breath, Sienna waited for his completed judgement as he walked to look over the knives and the crossbow.

'These... are good. Dual blades are difficult to learn, but you're right that they leave you less open. The crossbow is an interesting pick... But I think you'll surprise me with it' Finally looking up, he crossed his arms again and tilted his head slightly.

'Well done, Sienna. Welcome to Overwatch'

Letting go of her breath, Sienna managed a tiny 'thank you' with the remaining air in her lungs, feeling some tension flood out of her muscles, only to be replaced by the weight of worldly responsibility.

Shivers ran down her spine at his words. Oh god. I'm really a part of them now. I'm really doing this. Mother would be so proud of me... And I won't let her down. I won't let any of Overwatch down. Not again.

Suddenly, there was a moment where Sienna could see a tint of pride in the soldier's eyes, disguised but not hidden by his visor, and some of the weight dissipated.
If Jack Morrison himself believes in me, then I can definitely believe in myself.


'Now,' continued the soldier, as if Sienna's life hadn't just been changed irreversibly with a few words, 'now you train. From today onwards, you will arrive at this gym at 6am, and join me in my daily hand-to-hand combat training for 2 hours before breakfast. Lateness is not excused, do you hear me? We restart training at 10am. Tomorrow we will begin with crossbow basics, so I will see you here before we start.'

Gulping at what Sienna knew was going to be an intense training regime, she could only nod in response.
It will be worth it, Sienna. When you can take down Reaper yourself, and be able to help the real Overwatch team... You'll remember these days fondly.

'That's enough for today. It's late, and you should get some sleep. We have a early start tomorrow.'

Snapping back to the current moment, Sienna lifted her head to see Soldier 76 walking towards the doors, before he paused to ruffle her hair.

'Well done, kid. I knew I'd see you again some day. I...' The soldier hesitated, turning his head away but keeping his hand softly on her hair.

'It was my fault what happened to you. I should never have let you out of my sight'

Not giving her a chance to respond, he slid away, disappearing quickly back into the training hall, leaving Sienna silenced and stunned in the cool night.

The wind rustled through the trees, biting at her skin and pulling at her clothes, but Sienna felt none of it's coldness. Bathed in the white glow of the moon, Sienna felt nothing but overwhelming sadness, with its sharp, bitter taste that licked at her very soul.

An immeasurable amount of time had passed when Sienna finally murdered something so quiet it could have been mistaken for the wind itself.

'I have to save him.'

~////// EDIT /////~
Author senpai note


as my ever-favourite commenter SnowyGlaceon mentioned, I forgot to add my authors note to the end of this update aha. So here I am!
I'm not going to ask for forgiveness for my 9000 year wait for these chapters, instead I'll just update lots this week - with the promise that Reaper himself will be making an appearance very soon B)

Sorry there's been so much backstory and plot lately - I know a few of you guys are only here for the Reaper scenes aha, and I'm working on it!

Whatever you guys think, good or bad, please let me know! It's you guys commenting that's made me keep coming back to this, I'm just sorry I couldn't come back sooner 😔💕

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