Chapter 2

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Maya's P.O.V

There was something going between Farkle and Riley. They just don't see it yet. It was Saturday and me and Lucas were hanging out.

"Hey you did notice how Riley and Farkle were acting with each other yesterday right?" He asked. I nodded. It was obvious.

"They just don't see it yet I guess." I said. He agreed. I saw Smackle already with another guy. "Hey look." I told Lucas.

He saw and gasped. "Already?" He said. "Looks like she was the one who liked somebody else." I said. We both kept on walking.

I mean Smackle dating again after a break up? At least Farkle isn't like that. You know Riley and Farkle seem cute together.

Lucas stopped by and ice cream parlour and got us both ice creams. I smiled. "I love you." He said. "I love you too huckle berry." I said.

We went to the park and played hide and seek. He was really good. Everytime he found me he grabbed me by the waist.

Then he had to go home and I was bored. So I stopped by Riley's. I snuck in through her bay window. "Hey Riley." I said.

"Peaches..." She said opening her arms so I could hug her. I hugged her tightly. "How was your date?" She asked.

"It was great. Huckle berry and I got ice cream, and went to the park. First we used the swings then we played hide and seek." I said.

"Sounds fun" she said. "It was" I said. Then Auggie came in her room. "Hey Riley- oh. Maya. Snuck through the window?" He said.

I nodded. Author had grown so much. His curly hair remained the same. "Well I need to borrow Riley's teddy." He said.

He took a teddy and then left. I frowned. "He's done weird fella." Riley said. I giggled.

Topanga's P.O.V

I was talking with Cory about getting Riley a puppy for her birthday. It was a little early but...

"Oh Okay. But she will take full responsibility right?" Cory said. "Yes. Yes she will." I said. He smiled and gave me a kiss.

I went to work and talked with Mrs. Hart. "Hot day isn't it?" I told her. "You betcha." She responded. Then Farkle came in.

"Hey Farkle." I greeted. "Hey Mrs. Matthews." He said. He had a bag from the mall in his hand. "Whatcha got there?" I asked.

"Oh. Riley's gift. She's a size M.. right?" He asked. I nodded and smiled. "Please don't tell her what I got her." He asked.

"Don't worry Farkle. I won't." I said. "Also you don't happen to know what type of dog she would like...right?" I asked.

"She loves bagels. She thinks they're adorable." He said. I smiled. "Don't tell." I said. He nodded. I gave him and iced lemonade.

Then he left. Such a sweet boy. He's known Riley for so long... it's incredible they got this far. Hope they'll always be like this.

I got Maya and Lucas something too. I got Maya a new Sketching set, and Lucas a new cowboy hat. He loves those.

I walked home where my parents were waiting for me. As I enetered I saw them looking at me weirdly. "Yes?" I said.

"Oh honey we were wondering if you would like Apple pie or Banana pie?" Mom asked. "Oh I'm on Apple's side." I said. They smiled and left.

I got Riley's gift out and got a gift box in the color of silver with a pink ribbon out. I carefully folded the gift, and put it in there.

I also bought a couple more stuff, hoping she likes it. My phone was ringing. It was Lucas. "Hey I wanted to let you know-" he said.

There was a pause. "Oh yeah we saw Smackle with another guy today. Just thought I'd let you know." He said hanging up.

I couldn't believe it. So she said I liked somebody else only do that she could get with another guy and make me think she's not hurt.

Glad I broke it with her. I got a scrap book out and looked through some memories. There was a picture of me and Riley as babies.

I smiled. Then there was one were me and Riley were in our first Kindergarten day. She was juice spilled all over her.

She got so mad. Then there was the one were I broke my arm and Riley was there for me. Toughest times. I sighed.

This little walk down memorie lane took a little ugly turn when I saw something that I drew. I drew Riley... but as a boy.

I had no idea why but I just did. I was creeped out. I put her gift under my bed.


Hey guys it's Rosie. So it turns out Maya and Lucas might be shipping Riarkle. I'm this book Farkle and Riley have known each other since babies. And this is a little different from the show.. hence I might add new characters. 💑👶

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