05; Lunatic

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"Okay, the joke was funny at first, but it's really not anymore." Ryan sighed, waving goodbye to Isaac as he rode off on his bike. "You sound like a lunatic."

"We need to go to that party." Stiles insisted, grabbing his keys and pushing her towards her room. "Go change."

"What, no-" She smacked his hands away, staring at him like he was insane. "You see, my plans included binging The Walking Dead and the warm comfort of my bed."

"What about saving your best friend from eating his possible new girlfriend." He hissed, waving his arms around.

Ryan paused, looking up at the ceiling as if she was pondering it, before looking back at her brother and smiling. "Let him."

"Ryan, come on." Stiles pleaded, looking at her hopelessly. "He's our best friend, and I know he's been an ass to you lately, but c'mon."

"Fine." She muttered, crossing her arms and stalking back to her room. "But I'm not wearing that skirt you bought me!"

● ● ●

"Stop complaining, you look hot." Ryan looked at him in disgust, pulling at the skirt once again.

"It's too short." She muttered, attempting to smooth it down.

"Well, you have freakazoid legs." Stiles pointed out nearly spilling the contents of his cup on the ground. "The length was fine when I tried it on, but then again I have a lot of torso."

"I hate you." Ryan rolled her eyes, walking away from him and almost directly into Scott and Allison, who had just arrived. "I hate a lot of things, actually."

"Ryan-" Scott began, but she just pretended to be more invested in her cup as she walked off.

She grimaced as she finished it off, not even wanting to question what Stiles had put in it as she walked to the drink table.

"What are you having?" Greenberg asked, a lopsided grin on his face.

"Not what you're pouring." She scoffed, grabbing a random bottle of liquor and pouring some into her cup. "Now go scam on someone who hasn't accidentally seen you naked."

She held up her pinky, walking away as she took a long sip. Ryan made her way out of the house, going over and sitting on the curb as she slowly finished off her drink.

"Hey, Scott!" She looked up to see Scott running down the driveway, Allison following him in worry as she called out his name.

"Whoa, you okay?" Ryan stood up, narrowly missing getting ran into before he got into his car and sped off. "What's up with him?"

"I don't know." Allison frowned, crossing her arms. "Do you-"

"Nope, gotta go." Ryan handed Allison her cup and jogged over to Stiles, who was rushing out of the house. "We're going after him, aren't we?"

"He's most likely shifting, so we need to lock him up or something." Stiles explained, keeping his voice low. Ryan just stared at him, her brother rolling his eyes. "You still don't believe me?"

"Not one bit."

● ● ●

Stiles rushed upstairs, Ryan following behind with a lot less panic.

"Go away."

"Scott it's me, Stiles." He continued to try and open the door, only succeeding in a few inches. "Let me in, Scott. I can help."

"No, listen." Scott breathed, pushing back on the door. "You gotta find Allison."

"She's fine." Ryan spoke up, rolling her eyes as she leaned against the wall. "She got a ride from someone."

"No, I think I know who it is." Scott argued, refusing to let Stiles in. "It's Derek. Derek Hale is the werewolf. He's the one that bit me, he's the one that killed the girl in the woods."

"Seriously, you're in on this too?" Ryan complained, crossing her arms. "You two are ridiculous."

"Scott, Derek's the one who drove Allison from the party." Stiles realized, the door slamming shut in response. "Scott!"

After realizing that Scott was gone he turned to Ryan, who was tearing apart a gum wrapper. "What?"

"We have to go find Allison, now."

"She's a big girl, I'm sure she knows about stranger danger." She said mockingly, balling it up and throwing it at him before walking towards Melissa's room.

"Where are you going?" Stiles looked at her in shock, the girl rolling her eyes.

"I have to pee." Ryan said slowly, opening the door. "I had two drinks at the party, not to mention the water bottle in the car. I still have bodily functions, this isn't fan fiction for God's sake."

● ● ●

"Oh, would you look at that, she's fine." Ryan sighed, the two of them walking back to the jeep. "Looks pretty healthy, y'know, not eaten by any fake creatures of the night."

"I know I make up some stuff," Stiles paused, taking in the look his sister gave him. "Okay, a lot of stuff. But I'm not making this up, I swear."

"Why should I believe you?"

"Because you're my sister." He looked at her with a pleading look, Ryan looking away. "And Scott won't be able to get through this without you."

"That's a shitty move, pulling the Scott card." She muttered, getting in the car.

"I know."

● ● ●

Ryan's sat quietly in the backseat as Stiles pulled up next to Scott, twisting her fingers together. Scott got in and looked back at her, but she looked away, the boy letting out a small sigh.

"She's still mad at you, by the way." Stiles spoke up, keeping his eyes on the rode. "Won't tell me why, but she is."

"Figured." Scott sighed, rubbing his face. "You know what worries me the most?"

"You say Allison, I'm going to punch you in the head." Stiles snapped, glaring at him for a few moments.

"She probably hates me now." He whined, leaning against the window.

"Correction, I hate you." Ryan smacked him upside the head, making him flinch. "Just come up with some sappy apology, and ask for another chance. Girls fall for it all the time, trust me."

"Or you could just tell her the truth and revel in the awesomeness of the fact that you're a freakin' werewolf." Both of them stared at Stiles, who nodded. "Okay, bad idea."

Scott looked defeated as he curled up in Stiles's jacket, looking out the window.

"Hey, we'll get through this." He smacked Scott's arm, getting his attention. "Come on, if I have to, I'll chain you up myself on full moon nights and feed you live mice. I had a boa once, I could do it."

"What happened to that boa?" Ryan wondered, looking at her brother.

"Not exactly sure." He shrugged. "I kinda lost it after I set it loose into your room."

"Are you kidding me?"


Not edited

Lame filler ew

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