Mini Potter {1}

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i was walked into Diagon Alley for the very first time and i was in awe, it had been just like Harry described. oh where are my manors my name is Alyssa Lillian Potter. i know for a fact that unless you've been living under a dark hold for 12 most likely more years you will know of my brother. Harry Potter, also known as the boy who lived. they forgot to mention the little girl next to him who also survived the dark lord the night he killed our parents. but back to the point at hand.

last night i was saved by Harry's best friend Ron and his two brothers Fred and George, form our Aunt and Uncle. now we were in Diagon Alley and Mr Weasley was taking me to gringots i had a vault there apparently and from what my brother told me i would be full of money that mum and dad left for us. the goblins scared me but Mr Weasley just said to put on a brave face. When we left i had enough to by everything new but that was for later as we went to the book shop.

"ah they you are Alyssa, have you seen you brother at all" Mrs Weasley asks.

"no Mrs Weasley" i shook my head she nodded and looked back

"oh Harry thank goodness. we'd hope you'd only gone one grate too far." Mrs Weasley brushed him off

"ladies and gentleman Mr Gildaroy Lockhart" everyone started clapping as a man came out

"mum fancies him" Ron told us i smirked as he got slapped. we were then pushed aside by a photographer he took a picture.

"it can't be. Harry Potter" we all looked to my brother he was pulled and shoved next to the egotistical authors and had a picture taken with him

"what is with this guy" i asked Ron who looked at me and shrugged Lockhart went on to boast about how he was giving Harry all the book he ever published. i rolled my eyes

"now you give me those and I'll get them signed, go one dears" we headed towards the front of the shop.

"bet you loved that didn't you, Potter" a boy round Harry's age sneered he had bleach blonde hair slicked back, it suited him although i didn't like the way he was talking to my brother.

"famous Harry Potter. can't even go to a book shop without making the front page" me and Ginny stepped forward.

"leave him alone" we glared.

"oh look Potter got yourself some girlfriends" he smirked before a cane was put on his shoulder and a older version of the boy came forward.

"now, now Draco Play nicely" Harry took my hand and pulled me back.

"Mr Potter. Lucius Malfoys we meet at last." he pulled Harry closer looking at his scar.

"you scar is ledged as is the one who gave it to you"

"Voldamort killed our parents, he was nothing more than a murderer." he stepped back and looked at me.

"the second Potter ay? you must be very brave to mention his name or very foolish." he replied

"fear in name only increases fear of the thing itself." Hermione  glared.

"you must be Miss Granger? yes Draco has told me all about you. and your parents. Muggles" i stood taller not wanting to give off any fear i didn't back at the dursleys and i wouldn't here.

"lets see red hair, vacant expressions tatty second hand book. you must be Weasley " Mr Weasley came and saw that the two Malfoys had left not before Draco turning ad looking back and smirking at me.

"Percy why don't you go help Ginny and Alyssa here collect the rest of their stuff" Mr Weasley smiled as me and Ginny were led to get our stuff." 

Mini PotterWhere stories live. Discover now