Mini Potter {16}

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it was another few months of classes when Harry told me about Buckbeak i was sad Draco and his father were lapping it up for the poor thing and it was going to die. the girls had been bombarded with homework and were try g to get it all done so i was with Draco and his goons most of the time.

"so i was talking with my father and i was wondering in the holidays would you like to come and stay with me and my family father has somewhat met you but my mother would love to meet you" Draco asked when we were in the common room.

"i would love to, although i would have to tell Harry and the Dursleys but I'm sure they won't mind. thank Draco" i smiled. he grinned back in return.  he stood up and held out a hand for me.

"boys we're going." i took his hand.

"where are we going" i ask as we he led us through the halls ten out into the courtyard.

"were going to watch a show" he replied i was still confused but he led me to the bridge and the land going down to Hagrid's hut. he handed me some binoculars and i looked at Buckbeak.

"you have to be kidding me you brought me to see a innocent animal being murdered. that low for you Draco" i handed the binoculars back.

"hardly innocent i injured me." he retorted.

"after you disrespected it. ugh" i stormed off. and kept walking until i saw the Whomping Willow i froze i had defiantly walked to far. i jumped hearing growling behind me and i foolishly turned and looked it was a grim it came closer charging for me i went to get my wand but it jumped and i stumbled falling back and hitting my head. i was in blackness.

i groaned my head bloody hell did it hurt. i sat up and opened my eye meeting a fearful Ron.

"Ron what's going on." i asked he never replied looked over to where he was looking and my heart dropped it was Sirius Black. the door opened and in came Harry and Hermione.

"Harry it's a trap he's and animagus" he pointed to Sirius black who closed the door. Mione stood infornt of Harry.

"if you want to kill Harry you'll have to kill us too" Mione told him.

"no only one will die tonight." he replied

"then it'll be you" he attacked Black.

"Harry" i yelled he looked up to Mione who came over and took me over to Ron. Harry held his wand but it was taken when Professor Lupin came in the talked before he helped him up.

"we trusted you and all this time you've been his friend" Mione confuted them

"he's a werewolf that why he's been missing classes" i finished

"how long have you known" he asked us.

"since professor Snape set the essay" Mione replied.

"round the same time" i replied

"enough talking let's kill him." Black cut in

"wait" Lupin replied

"i did my waiting 12 years in Azkaban" he nodded and Lupin handed him his wand

"fine but wait one minute. Harry and Alyssa have a right to know why?"

"i know wh. you betrayed our parents. you're the reason their dead" Harry replied i nodded

"no Harry. your parent were betrayed but not by him. it was someone until quite recently i thought to be dead"

"who?" i called

"Peter Pettigrew. he's in this room right now, come out come out Peter. come out come out and play" Snape came in a disarmed Black.

"oh vengeance is sweet, i hoped i would be the one to catch you. i told Dumbledore you were helping a old friend into the castle, now i have the proof." i carefully took out my wand just in case

"brilliant Snape you've once again put your keen penetrating mind to the task and came out with the wrong conclusion. now if you'll excuse us Remus and i have some unfinished business." it maybe the fact that he was my biological father but i was getting protective of him i moved closer. he was now right infornt of Snape.

"give me a reason i dare you"

"Severus don't be a fool" Lupin replied

"he can't help it" Sirius taunted

"Sirius be quiet" Lupin retorted and he got a shut up

"look at you two quarrelling like an old married couple" Snape looked at them

"why don't you run along and play with your chemistry set." that's it.

"speak to my father like that again and I'll show everyone here what i really can do when I'm pissed" i shove my wand into the back of his neck. i saw a flicker of pride in Snape's eyes' i stepped away and sat on the piano watching still holing out my wand.

"i could do it you know either one of us could but why deny the dementors they're so longing to see you. do i detect a flicker of fear oh yeas a dementors kiss, i can only imagine what it must feel like. After you" he gestured for us and Harry held Hermione's wand. and said Expeliarmus and Snape i did the same with his wand.

"what did you do that for." he asked me

"you just sent my biological father and my head of house flying into a bed dumb ass. now tell us about Peter Pettigrew."

"he was at school with us, we thought he was our friend." Lupin told us. we were going back and forth until Black told us about scabbers and then turned him into Peter. it was all mad but then we planned to take Pettigrew to the castle and hand him over. i was now outside.

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