Mini Potter {20}

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We arrived at Hogwarts and notice arrivals only we didn't get a good look so we just changed into our uniform and headed to the great hall. we were all settled after the first years were sorted into their houses we gained five new Slytherin.

"now that were all settled in and sorted, I'd like to make an announcement. this castle will not only be your home this year but also to some very special people, Hogwarts has been chosen..." he stopped talking to Filch and then sent him away

"Hogwarts has been chosen to host the Tri - Wizard Tournament . for those who don't know this event brings three schools together for a series of magical contests. a student from each school is selected to compete, now let me be clear if you are chosen you stand alone this is not for the faint hatred. but more of that later please help me in welcoming the lovely ladies of the Beaxbatons Academy and their Headmistress Madame Maxime" the doors opened and girls dressed in turquoise blue entered being very lady like and aah ing they were followed by a extremely tall woman i saw all the boys eyeing them.

"Really?" i questioned Lucy and Mel the just rolled their eyes. most clapped and cheered, ugh. Dumbledore silenced everyone.

"now our friends from the north please welcome the sons of Durmstrang and their high master Igor Karkaroff" i looked at the girls and grinned as they entered.

"oh now. we are talking" the banged their staffs against the floor and did really cool tricks. then oh my god.

"its Viktor Krum, i think i might faint" they made their way to the front and i acted on impulse and wolf whistled" the girls pulled me down and we giggled. they schools were seated and we got Durmstrang. Draco was embarrassing himself.

"Draco let him breath. sorry about him I'm Alyssa Potter" i held out my hand and he shook it.

"nice to meet you, whistle girl" i covered my face.

"yeah sorry about that crazy impulse get me in trouble sometimes"  i replied

"let the feast begin" Dumbledore announced and food appeared.  we began to eat, looking over at Gryffindor table i saw Ron watching us well Viktor.

"Draco look Weasley is eye stalking Krum" i whispered in his ear. he looked over and i smirked getting out my wanted and muttering a charm before putting my want away.

"watch" Ronald went to eat some more food the coughed it up sending it on his fellow friends most of us laughed he looked and glared at me i just gave him a little wave. Filch brought something in with help and placed it at the front.

"your attention please!" Dumbledore called everyone was silent.

I'd like to say a few words. Eternal Glory, that is what awaits the student who wins the Triwizard Tournament. but to do this that student must survive 3 tasks. three extremely dangerous tasks, for this reason the Ministry has seen fit to impose a new rule. to explain all this we have the head of the department of international magical cooperation Mr Bartimus Crouch" the ceiling acted up and it was like a storm before a red beam calmed it.

"no way, Alistair Moody" also know as Mad Eye Moody we watched as he hobbled down and shook hands with the professor before standing to one side and letting the Professor led Crouch to address us all.

"after due consideration the Ministry has concluded that for their own safety no wizard under the age of 17...should be allowed to put forth their name for the tri wizard tournament." there was an uproar of protests "that decision is final." he finished.

"SILENCE" the there was he flicked his wand and the casing left revealing a goblet with blue fire being shown.

"the goblet of fire. anyone wishing to submit themselves to the tournament , should merely write their name on a piece of parchment and throw in the flam before this hour on Thursday night do not do so lightly, if chosen there is no turning back. form this moment the Triwizard tournament has begun.

we watched as the flame danced, before we were dismissed, i walked and chatted with Lucy and Mel all the way to our dorms talking about the summer and what happened they began teasing that Draco like me i put a silence charm on them and would remove it in the morning.

Mini PotterWhere stories live. Discover now