Mini Potter {21}

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"Alastair Moody. Ex Auror , ministry malcontent and your new defence against the dark arts teacher. I'm here because Dumbledore asked me. End of story, goodbye, the end." he wrote his name on the board and turned to us no offence but the eye is so creepy.

"when i comes to the Dark Arts i believe in a practical approach. But first which once of you can tell me how many unforgivable curses there are?"

"three sir" me and Hermione answered

"they are named so?" he wrote on the bored.

"because they are unforgivable, any one of them will..." Mione started

"will give you a one way ticket to Azkaban" i finished he faced us looking between the two of us.

"the ministry says you're too young to see what these curses do. i say different you need to know what you're up against, you need to be prepared. you need to find another place to put your chewing gum Mr Finnegan" we all looked at him he muttered something and Moody threw the chalk at him.

"so which curse shall we see first? Wesley " he whimpered "Stand. give us a curse" he did as he was told.

"well my dad did tell me about one. the Imperious Curse." he nodded

"yeah your father would know all about that, gave the ministry quite the grief a few years ago. Perhaps this will show you why." he hobbled back and took out a spider.

"Engorgio. Impiro " he flicked it onto a desk the Crabbe's head

"don't worry its completely harmless ." then went to a Gryffindor before hovering over Ronald's head. then Draco i laughed really hard before it came onto me i smiled and stroked its body Moody grinned

"talented isn't she what shall i have her do next jump out the window." everyone stopped laughing

"drown her." he then brought her back to his hand.

"scores of wizards and witches claimed that they only did you-know-who's bidding under the influences of the Imperious Curse but here's the rub: how do we sort out the liars" everyone was stunned and it became surreal. he asked for another and went to Longbottom who looked terrified.

"there is one the Cruciatus Curse" he was please and invaded him to the front. he placed his spider down.

"Crucio" the spider withered in pain and i looked away and practically buried my head in Draco's shoulder.

"stop it don't you see its bothering him." Mione shouted i looked up glad that he stopped and took the spider to Hermione.

"perhaps you could give us the last unforgivable curse miss Granger" she shook her head

"Avada Kedavra" green light shot out and killed the spider. i watched

"the killing curse only two people have know to survived it and they're sitting in this room right now." he looked at me and Harry i shook my head grabbing my stuff and running out of class. i ran down the stairs and to the potions classroom before knocking on the door. i sniffled i didn't notice i had been crying.

"come in" Father said i had now been calling him father and  he was alright with that he understood that James Potter was my dad because he raised me well sort of for a few months at least.

"Alyssa why are you crying?" he questioned i wiped away my tears and set my bag down.

"Defence against the dark arts, Moody showed us the unforgivable curses the last on got to me. the killing curse" i explained, he nodded and i came closer.

"do you mind if i stay here and brew some potions?" i asked

"of course help yourself" i first grabbed the ingredients for a calming potion and i followed the instructions, in no time i made some viles

"Calming draught" Father stated i took a vile and i calmed down immediately

"yes i feel much better" i commented, with the flick of my wand the cauldron was clean and i started a developing solution for some pictures i wanted from the summer to be moving. one i finished that i summoned my camera and developed them leaving them to dry.

"Alyssa go to lunch you can leave the pictures here." i looked to him and nodded grabbing bag and leaving for the great hall i enter and most forth years looked at me i ignored them and sat at the Slytherin table.

"where the hell have you been you just ran out of class" Draco whispered.

"yeah well you try seeing the very curse that killed your parents see how you feel" i retorted grabbing some food and eating.

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