Mini Potter {8}

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summer. proberly the worst time of year. why you may ask, because i'm back with the Dursleys. cruel gits they are but that don't bother me. because i don't get mad i get even. i was sat on my bed under the covers reading .

"Lumos" i whisper my wand lights up and i began to read my mom's diary

September 5th

Harry is a delight i love him so much. but becoming parents is leaving somewhat of a strain on our relationship. i love James i really do and this is just a dark patch we are going through. Sirius has been round and was very comforting reassured me that James was just being James. i know i sound so stupid but things seem like there changing. maybe its just me, I'm paranoid i miss Severus nothing has been the same since our argument, i gave him back the bracelet the one i swore never to take of now my wrist is bare. was it worth it

"nox" i hear dung head coming and i pretended to be asleep he turned the light on and then off i sat up again so SS was Severus Snape why didn't i think of that before. i read another passage.

September 19

oh Merlin what have i done. i walked out on James after we had a argument about a silly thing. Harry was upstairs sleeping and everything just blew up. i stormed out. i decided to go to my old friend Severus. i never expected for things to go far, i slept with my ex best friend what have i done.

i gasped before turning my light out. mum had slept with her best friend how could she like she said herself the argument was silly and she saw refuge in her best friend. dung head came in but left again and i continued to read.

October 8

trying to forget is not easy, i hoped that i could put it all behind me but sadly know. i'm pregnant, James and everyone else except me and Severus know that James is not the father. after taking a muggle test i then used a spell to trace genealogy my new child is of Evens and Snape. we have sworn not to tell anyone one unless with our child's permission or it somehow comes out we did the unbreakable vow.

July 1st

a little baby girl Alyssa Lillian Potter everyone says she looks like me and has the eyes of her father but such thoughts are left for another time i know that everything will be alright and she will live a full life one day she will know.

i skip to the last page not wanting to continue. on the last page it was to me.

My Dearest Alyssa

now you know of your heritage the secrets that i will have taken to my grave because if your reading this I'm not longer at your side and both you and Harry are safe. i wish things didn't turn out like this, i may have regretted something's but having you and your brother was not one of them. something's i might have done differently. please do not hate Severus he has always wanted to protect you and i hope he has.

do with this knowledge what you will but Severus will not say anything because his vow is still intact.

i will love you always my little girl.


i closed the diary and shoved it in my case, i wanted to forget that if only just a moment. i fell asleep keeping my mind on things not to do with my head of house.

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