Mini Potter {11}

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i sat in the great hall tapping my fingers, the choir was singing something not to my taste. i looked over at Professor Snape. at some point i would have to talk to him he was supposed to be my father after all. so much going on in this head of mine and at some point i want to find out what a unbreakable vow is. so much to do.

"hey did you hear your brother fainted on the train" Draco whispered across to me i came back to earth.

"he did what now?" i questioned

"fainted same time as you dropped" he told me i looked to my brother who was with Ron and Hermione. Dumbledore stood at his podium.

"Welcome to another year at year ant Hogwarts. now i would like to say a few words before we become to befuddled with our feast. First I'm please to Welcome Professor R.J. Lupin who has kindly consented to fill the post of Defence against the Dark Arts teacher. good luck professor." people clapped.

"let's hope he's better than the last one" i commented the others laughed

"Potter. Potter" Draco called and Harry turned round

"is it true you fainted like you actually fainted" Draco teased

"get lost Malfoy" Ron glared.

"Finally at the request of the ministry of magic, Hogwarts will play host to the dementors of Azkaban until such a time Sirius Black has been found they will be stationed at every entrance of the grounds." he then asked not to stand in the way of them. after the feast we were all dismissed to our dorms . i changed and me and the girls stayed up and talked about different things until we fell asleep.

the next morning i was at breakfast and was handed my timetable. i had free first period so i told the others that i was going and went to the library searching until i found it.

Unbreakable Vow - a vow between two people a promise should be kept if it is broken the one who promised will die

wow. it was now time for magical creatures i headed down and met up with Draco at Hagrid's hut.

"now i have a real treat for you today follow me" all of us followed him.

"so what were you doing after breakfast?" Draco asked me.

"research on a term i read" i answered we made way into the wood and into a clearing

"right you lot less chattering and open your  book page 49" Hargid told us.

"and how exactly do we do that?" Draco asked referring to the book which was alive. i learnt the hard way.

"stroke the spine of course" i began to stoke the spine and Longbottom didn't listen. we made our way to a wall.

"i think their funny" Mione said. (don't get that part if you do tell me)

"oh yeah terribly funny. really witty, god this place has gone to the dumps wait till my father hears Dumbledore has this oaf teaching classes" i shook my head and put my bag down.

"shut up Malfoy" Harry came forward i leaned against the tree there was no point on trying to stop anything they wouldn't listen. Draco knocked me as to say watch this. he walked closer the flinched back.

"Dementor, Dementor" he pointed at thin air even i admit that was a little funny i lifted up my hood.

"ohooh" we joked being spooky.

"okay i admit even that was funny" i told Draco who smirked.

"what are you doing here anyway Alyssa" Weasley glared i looked to Draco and smirked i took off my cloak

"well Weasel i decided i like you so much i decided to grace you with my glorious presence...I've been moved up Dumbo" i smirked. other chuckled

"Lysa-Lily here is officially one of us ain't that right" he draped his arm over me and others agreed even Pansy who didn't like me but never said anything because she knew . Hagrid cleared his throat and held out his out to a bird.

"isn't he beautiful, say hello to buck beak" he threw him a ferret

"that Ron is a hippogriff, thing about Hippogriff is they are very proud" he then asked who would like to have a try everyone stepped back.

"well done Harry" we shoved others out of the way to watch there was a close call and i grasped onto Draco's hand as i watched he didn't seem to mind infact he held my as well. Harry did very well and was then let to ride on him they set off and we sat down. five minutes later they came back everyone was cheering including me. Draco got up

"oh please. yes not dangerous at all are you great ugly brut" Buck beak didn't like that and raised up. people screamed as it hit Draco's arm. Draco was rolling on the floor and i ran to his side.

"Hagrid he has to be taken to hospital" I told him.

"I'm the teacher I'll do it" he lifted Draco up and i went to get our stuff taking it to the hospital. After he got fixed up we went to hall.

"does it hurt terribly Draco" Pansy asked

"it comes and i goes according to Madam Pomfrey another minute or two and i could have lost my arm" i raised my eyebrows even i knew he was milking it. but it was even more funny to see everyone was believing in it, so he carried on.

"he's been sighted, he's been sighted" i looked over and Finnegan slammed a paper on the table i got up

"who?" someone questioned

"Sirius Black" Finnegan replied

"duff town that's not fat from here" i zone out looking at the picture of the murderer

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