Mini Potter {9}

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the door bell rang persistently oh great the old hag is here. i finished writing my letter to Draco and sent Hera (my owl) off with it before going down stairs i stood next to Harry as the hag looked up.

"oh you two still here are you" she stood straight giving us a dirty look.

"yes" we replied

"don't say yes in that ungrateful manor, good of my brother to keep you. been straight into a orphanage if they were dumped on my step Vernon" she told her brother.

"lets thank the stars we didn't then" i retorted folding my arms

"now listen here girl..." i cut her off.

"oh shut up you old hag and suffocate your nephew or something" i roll my eyes heading into the kitchen i sat on the counter to when Vernon came in.

"you girl need to behave." he pointed a finger at me i raised my eyebrow.

"really and how are you going to make me cause i know your secret...your scared of me what i can do and you know i will" i smirked

"get over yourself"


it was after dinner and i was messing about with my ring while Harry collected the pates

"would you like a drop of brand little bit of brandy." hag cooed i smirked

"what are you smirking at brats" hag asked

"nothing" we replied

"were did you send them again?" hag asked dung

"St Brutices it's a fine institution for helpless cases" Dung head replied she looked to us.

"do they use a cane at St Brutices boy" she asked Harry.

"oh yeah we've been lit loads of times" Harry replied she went on about bad blood which irked me but i kept my cool unlike my dear brother.

"that's a lie." he protested turning around.

"my dad wasn't a drunk." he glass broke from magic and Vernon sent us a glare i was smirking, this was fun and i don't have to do anything.

"i think it time you went to bed." Vernon said

"quite Vernon,  you clean this up." Harry grabbed a towel.

"infact it has nothing to do with the father it has all to do with the mother, you see it in dogs too if there is something wrong the bitch then there is something wrong with the pup.

"SHUT UP JUST SHUT UP." I yelled i had enough of her mouth i glared at her as she lifted her finger and it was swell up then her chin before it spread wind and light flickered as the hag turned into a balloon  i went and took Harry's hand and we wanted as the hag flew away.

"come on we need to go" i dragged him upstairs as he kicked his table.

"well that was entertaining" i breathed grabbing my case and packing everything, it was near school and i would rather be somewhere else.

"come on Harry pack will you" i urged he got up and packed i grabbed my wand and jacket before following Harry out.

"you bring her back! you bring her back now" Vernon demanded

"no she deserved what she go i retorted Vernon growled and we held up our wands he backed off

"your not allowed to do magic outside of school." he back away as we took the last steps.

"oh yeah try us"

"they won't let you back now you have no were to go." i opened the door.

"i don't care anywhere is better than here" with that we left. i put my want back in my pocket and dragged my care through the streets.

"can we rest my adrenaline is leaving" i asked

"okay we need to think where to go." we went and sat on the basement infornt of the park.

"they leaky cauldron. it near beginning of term and well some are bound to be there" i suggested he nodded and we sat there. the night became eerie and the noises of the metal play thing creped me out. A twig snapped and we looked over there were yellow eyes we jumped at a horn. a big blue bus slowed down in front of us.

"welcome to the night bus, emergency transport for a stranded witch or Wizard. my name is Stan Shunkbite and i will be your conductor for this evening." he put his little script away and looked around before looking down.

"what you doing on the floor." he asked

"we fell over" Harry replied

"what you fell over for"

"we don't know we just did"

"well come on then let's not wait for the grass to grow." i got on the bus while Stan got our cases

"come on move on, move on" i sat on one of the beds as he handed me and Harry a ticket. then knocked on the window.

"take it away Ern" he said

"yeah take it away Ernie fasten ya seat belts it going to be a bumpy ride" (my favourite part) a shrunken head cackled  the bus zoomed forward knocking us back.

"what did you say your name was again?" Stan questioned.

"we didn't" i replied

"well where are you heading"

"the Leakey cauldron that's in London." Harry answered  Harry and Stan had a conversation till i zoned back it.

"that's Sirius black that is" i looked at the picture i heard of him in moms diary

"he's a murderer got himself locked up in Azkaban for it"

"how did he escape?" i asked

"well that's the question isn't it he's the first one that done it. he was a big supporter of you- know- who recon you've heard of him" we looked at each other.

"yeah him we've heard of" Harry replied 

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