Mini Potter {17}

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"go on" i told Harry.

"he's your godfather too." he replied, i said nothing.

"go on" we went to Black i was still weary of him but Harry seemed more at peace

"i remember the very first time i walked though those door, it would be great to walk through them again as a free man. Pettigrew was brought out by Lupin.

"i don't know if you know but when both of you were born James and Lily made me your god father." he told us

"we know" we replied.

"after this is all over if you ever...want to move away from your aunt and uncle"

"you mean like come live with you" Harry asked

"i don't know you might be in comaptition for me seen as my mother's secret is now out" i told him he just smiled

"which house are you in anyway" he questioned

"I'm Slytherin he's Gryffindor figure right" i snorted

"Harry, Alyssa." we looked back Mione was pointing at the Sky it was a full moon i ran to the others while Sirius tried to stop Lupin .Peter got hold of Lupins wand.

"Expeliarmus" i called it took the wand away he waved at us before turning into a rat. Harry wanted to go but then was stopped we watched as Professor Lupin turned into his werewolf and howled. the four of us held on to each other. Snape came out. he heard the growling and tried to protect us. he were stuck back down but the Sirius attacked him. the fought away from us and Harry went after them i was held back. there was a howling and everything was over.

"Granger take Alyssa and Weasley back to the castle and get help leave Potter to me" he ordered we were helped back to the castle where we warned Dumbledore. i got my head strapped up. Harry was brought in.

"Alyssa may i have a word with you" Snape asked

"but Harry" i began

"will still be here when he wakes up" i sighed and kissed his head. Before leaving. he took me to his office and we sat down.

"about what happened earlier with black." he started i cut in with a hunch.

"he bullied you didn't he. Sirius or was it James." i stated he looked taken aback.

" how could you possibly know that?" i smirked

"i know the traits of someone who used to be bullied meeting them again when you know your stronger that what i saw. your proberly wondering why i stuck up for you. answer i just did i will always be angry about things before i was born but i was protective of you, you've earn that amount of trust at least." i replied

"you much like your mother, you know with and hint of James Potter." i retorted

"awh thank you and what pray tell do i have that is Severus Snape?" i raised my eyebrows.

"your knack for rarely loosing your temper and gifted at potions." i sat straighter

"why thank you. and seen as we are talking have you heard of Draco's invitation yet?" i asked he sat back.

"what might that be"

"he has invited me to his house for the summer. my Aunt and Uncle won't need all that persuasion Harry might me a little difficult rival houses and all." i informed him he raised his eyebrows.

"good evening Professor" i stood up and left going back to the hospital. i opened the door and saw Harry.

"Harry" i hugged him tight.

"will you ever learn not to scare me" he laughed and i hugged him again.

Mini PotterWhere stories live. Discover now