Mini Potter {27}

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i finished and bowed wafting my wand and changing back into was i was before, and left the stage everyone was still cheering as i made my way back to Draco.

"that was great your amazing" he commented kissing me, i laughed and hugged him as we danced and then the weird sisters came on.

"D I'm gonna dance with my brother" i shouted in his ear he nodded and went with the others as i made my way over to Harry.

"Harrrrrry come dance with your little sister" i held out my hands pouting he couldn't resist. he took my hands and i grinned taking him to the dance floor we danced to the weird sisters it was fun he kept spinning me around.

"oh Weasel looks like a muggle Pug let's fix that shall we" i took my want out of my secret place and flicked  a spell. he stood up with a big smile on his face, he came over and started doing really bad dancing we all started laughing i then took the spell off and he looked around in confusion everyone was still laughing.

"bloody hell"  i kept laughing until i calmed down. it was getting late when Draco came over.

"goodbye Potter"  i glared at my boyfriend.

"night sis" he kissed my cheek. and left

"that wasn't civil Draco." he just lifted my head and placed a small kiss before slow music came on and we began to slow dance i leaned my head on his shoulder as we swayed t the music. we stayed like that for what seemed like forever.

"okay everyone that is the end of the ball i hope you've all enjoyed yourselves Merry Christmas and goodnight." she announced i groaned as we began to leave.


"Deeeee i can't walk" she mumbled i shook my head and swopped her off her feet. she moved around before i felt her soft breath against my neck. i continued going toward the dungeons, i don't know what i was about the little sister of my enemy and i was never one to confess things like love or like but she just...i don't know she has the heart of a Gryffindor but the should and mind of a Slytherin.

"living death" i spoke the password and we entered the dungeons i headed for the girls dorms and opened the door seeing Lyssa's part of the room it had several Slytherin banners on he tabled was thee pictures formed in a semi circle and a lamp the first picture was of me and her then her and Potter finally her and the girls.

i laid her down on her bed but she clung to me, don't go" she mumbled. she had some sort of hold on me because with the wave or my wand i change us both then got in beside her and closed the curtains


i woke up the next morning  feeling a pair of arms around my waist  i groaned and opened my eyes a pale face and blonde head of hair was sleeping soundly. what happened. i looked at us i was in one of my nightdresses and he was in a top and pj bottoms. right so nothing happened good, curtains were closed understandable. but i like this although just sleeping in the same bed i wasn't ready for anything else. I'm not slut.

"Draco wake up" i kissed him and he shuffled round before opening his eyes.

"hello to you too" i giggled. come on i think it's nearly breakfast. i peeked outside the curtain the girls were gone and it was light. i smiled at him.

"I'll leave you to get changed see you in the common room he slipped out of bed and left i pulled back the curtains and went to change it was Christmas day this would be the best.

Mini PotterWhere stories live. Discover now