Mini Potter {3}

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okay so I'm doing it a little differently like His Imprint i will cover all movies in this book and it won't be exactly like the films so please be patient i wanted to do A HP fiction for ages and this is my first try.

it was my first day of classes me and Mel went down to breakfast where i still didn't see my brother. i sighed and sat down i had all about the houses and how i was supposed to be enemies with Gryffindor. i sat down and Will began handing out schedule parchments.

"great we have all classes together" Mel smiled our first lesson was flying practices brilliant way to start off the morning then was Herbology after that Potions.

"Alyssa, Draco Malfoys looking at you" Mel whispered i looked over the table and saw that he was but once he caught me looking back he looked away i shrugged and munched on some food. we then went to flying lessons.

"welcome to your first flying lesson. well come on the step up to the left side of your broom and say up." we did as we was told and i stood there.

"up" they broom did as ordered and i grinned

"oh come on really" Mel whined i shrugged  i waited for everyone else to finish and we began

"now once you have hold of your broom i want you to mount it and when i blow my whistle i want to kick off the ground hard then lean forward, hover for a moment and then touch back down. three two, one." she blew her whistles and i kicked off the ground i hovered and then touched back down.

"good, good now still on your brooms i want you to the same but go a little higher" she blew he whistle and i kicked again hovering higher than last time it was like that raising higher before the class finished i went to my next lesson and bumped into my brother's hugged him before stepping away

"Harry" your alright, where have you been" i scolded i may be the younger sibling but i could act older.

"its a long story one i will... you're in Slytherin?!" he cut short noticing my uniform

"yes why?" i asked

"most of everyone in Slytherin is bad news especially Malfoys" he sneered

"Malfoys is an idiot but hasn't bothered me that much yet. besides you said i don't matter which house i would go into." i replied i saw Draco come on.

"that because i would thought you might end up in a different house except Slytherin. everyone knows anyone who is in Slytherin is bad news" he retorted. that annoyed me no end.

"so I'm bad news am i just because I'm in Slytherin. why don't you go back to Weasley and continue not being there for you own little sister." i shoved past him and into class.

i went to potions next and met our head of house. Professor  Snape.

"take out your books and copy page 1 to 5" he drawled i did as i was told and began writing and then i finished. we all went to Dinner.

"eh look everyone Ron's got himself a howler." one boy called as i sat down.

"Ronald Weasley how dare you steal that care i am absolutely  discussed your father is now facing an inquiry at work. if you put another toe out of line I'll bring you straight home" i didn't hear the rest before it ripped into pieces" we all laughed.

"you know Potter." i looked towards Draco.

"your little show early was quite impressive, who knew you had a temper. i might overlook the fact you called me an idiot." i turned fully to face him

"Malfoy me calling you a idiot was being nice after all unlike my brother i prefer to get to know someone then judge them, not make assumptions because of which house. as for my temper don't annoy me and you'll do just fine." i smiled

"welcome to Slytherin Potter"  he smirked.

 i went to head out  but i was first stopped my Draco.

"if you ever get bored Potter message me" he left leaving me speechless the boy that my brother hates is asking me to message him. i shook my head i was sure he never meant it i went to the library and sat there i was bored to i got out a piece of parchment and drew me bored before creating a bird and sending it away to Malfoy i can't believe i was taking up his offer

i got a message from a owl telling me to be in the grounds on way to Quidditch i wondered why but didn't think anything of it. i waited that's when i saw Ron and Hermione.

"hey you two." i smiled at them

"oh its you" Ron replied earning a shove from Hermione

"hello Alyssa what are you doing here?" she asked

"waiting for Malfoy i was bored and he asked me to come here" i told her sitting down.

"so your friends with Malfoy are you, already turning into a proper Slytherin." Ron commented

"what is your problem Ronald. to be honest i don't see a particular reason for you to hate him he's been nothing but civil and welcoming" i folded my arms i looked up Gryffindor and Slytherin house teams were there.

"uh oh i smell trouble" we got up and headed over

"...permission to practice today owing to the need training their new seeker. new seeker? who" Gryffindor captain asked the parted and Malfoy stepped forward. he turned and looked at me giving me a wink? what is with this boy

"Malfoy?" Harry asked

"that's right. and that's not all that's new this year." she shifted his broom.

"Nimbus 2001 where did you get those from." Ron asked

"gift from Draco's father" Fitch answered

"you see Weasley you like your my father can afford the best" he gloated

"at least no one on the Gryffindor team had to buy their way in, they got in on pure talent." Hermione retorted

"no one asked your opinion you filthy little  mudblood" he sneered

"Malfoy that enough" i tried to step in i had been reading terms while i waited for his note and i just came across it.

"you'll pay for that Malfoy. eat slugs" Ron said his spell back fired sending him to the ground. Gryffindor class ran over to him. we saw that he was puking up slugs. gross Harry and Hermione took Ron away and Malfoy turned to me.

"so newbie want to come watch us play?" he questioned

"if you stop calling me Potter i might. and if you think of using a term you just said to Hermione me and you will fall out." i crossed my arms he chuckled

"alright then Alyssa" he walked off with the rest of the team and i followed.

it was night time and we all were heading coming back from dinner when we saw the most horrific site.

"enemies of the heir beware? you'll be next Mudblood" Draco sneered i slapped him. Flitch came and saw that his cat was petrified followed by other teachers. Dumbledore sent us back to our dorms 

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