Mini Potter {23}

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it was free time and i was with the other Slytherin i was relaxing on a part of the tree when i heard them taking about my brother.

"eh look it's the cheat " Flint said

"why so tense. my father and i have a bet you see i don't think your gonna last 10 minutes in this tournament" Draco jumps down.

"he disagrees. he thinks you won't last five" he chuckled as Harry stormed over.

"i don't give a damn what your father thinks Malfoy, he's vile and cruel. and your just pathetic" he goes to walk away Draco gets out his wand.

"Draco no" but before he could get out his wand he is turned into a ferret.

"I'll teach you to curse someone when their back is turned. cowardly, scumming, shooting" i jumped down and tool out my wand

"vera ventium" i froze Draco in mid air Professor M came.

"what do you think you're doing" she asked i turned Draco back.

"i was teaching" he replied

"wait till my father hears about this" he shuffled back Moody came at us.

"vlepmsa" i called building a invisible shield

"transfiguration is not a punishment for students surely Dumbledore told you that"

"might have mentioned that" he replied, he smirked as i glared hard at the teacher before  he took Harry away.

"you idiot, do that again and i won't help you. now take those damn badges off before i hex you all" the removed the badges and i burnt them before glaring at Draco and leaving.

"Lyssa-Lily wait." he caught me going to my common room.

"what?" i spat.

"look I'm sorry okay its just..." i cut him off.

"you don't have a reason Draco your just trying to be smart. that's my brother now i maybe a Slytherin but that will never stop me from loving my brother and protecting him. if you want to be a jackass do it somewhere else. " i seethed, his face softened and he took my arms.

"relax, Lys you know how i can get. and  you also know I'm enemies with your brother ever since first year that's all. besides there i something i wanting to ask you. Alyssa will..." he was cut off Hermione.

"Alyssa i need to speak with you." she called i nodded

"maybe later okay." he sighed and i went to Mione.

"what's wrong." i asked

"the first task. its Dragons i covered my mouth in shock.

"really" she nodded

"and how is Harry taking this." i questioned

"no idea he's not giving much way." i nodded and we went to find Harry.

Mini PotterWhere stories live. Discover now