Mini Potter{6}

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it was my first Christmas at Hogwarts Lucy and Mel had gone home for the holidays. so there was me, Draco, Crab and Goyle.  i went to the hall grabbing some food and going down to common room.

"oh there you two are i though you said you would bring back some food i had to go get it. And don't even get me started of Prefect Weasley he's just as bad as Ronald honestly "what are you doing here" what does he think trying out for a school talent show." i rambled sitting down.

"ignore him Lysa-Lily Weasley just had a go at us and all" he nodded to Crabbe and Goyle.

"what's wrong with you two?" i asked they were shocked and irritated. but the relaxed.

"oh nothing"  Crabbe looked down.

"as i was saying I'm surprised the Dailey Prophet  hasn't done a report on these attacks i suppose Dumbledore is trying to hush it all up. Father always said Dumbledore was the worst thing that happened to this place." Draco  commented i rolled my eyes i had nothing against Dumbledore he had done nothing wrong to me.

"your wrong" Goyle protested i raised my eyebrow Draco stood up towering over the two goons.

"what you think there is someone worse than Dumbledore. Well do you?" Goyle looked down. then back up.

"Harry Potter" i stood up

"take that back Goyle or I'll turn you into a toad and don't think i won't Draco not a word" i glared at my friend. but he ignored my comment

"good one Goyle. Saint Potter and people actually think he's the heir of Slytherin."

"if he's and heir then so am i, which i doubt it because i can't speak snake"

"but you must have some idea who's behind it all" Goyle questioned

"you know i don't Goyle i told you yesterday how many times do i have to tell you. is this yours" Draco went to a side table lifting up a gift then when Goyle shook his head he stuck it in his pocket.

"but my father did say this. its been 50 years since the chamber was opened, he didn't tell me who opened it only that they were expelled. the last time the chamber of Secrets we as opened a mudblood died. so its only a matter of time before one is killed this time. As for me i hope its Granger. Crabbe looked ready to punch him i stood next to Draco.

"what is the matter with you two. you're acting very odd?" i questioned they looked at each other.

"it's his stomach ache" Goyle replied.

"let's see the box then" i asked Draco who brought it out of his pocket he opened and i  couldn't recognise what i was.

"hey where are you going" Draco shouted and Crabbe and Goyle.

"don't worry about them. tell me why aren't you going home for Christmas." i asked him sitting back on the sofa.

"mother and father are away so I'm stuck here not so bad though what about you." he asked

" the family i have left are the worst sort of Muggles cruel and annoying. not that they aren't a match for me unlike Harry i give as good as i get" i began to tell of the thing they had done to me and what i had done in return.

the next day was Christmas day and i woke up early i ran downstairs and see if i was lucky enough to have presents. i found six ah it was better than none i went to open my first one.

"opening them already Lysa -Lilly" i heard Draco.

"well i didn't take you as the happy Christmas type and second i never had presents before not unless you count being moved to a room from under the stairs." i shrugged he sat down. no one else was up mainly because it was six am.

"have you got any?" i asked he looked under the tree and picked a three out i knew one was mine.

"well go on then." he urged i looked at the tag it was from Melody i ripped off the packing, she had bought me some new clothes jeans and a couple of tops i loved them. Draco open one of his from his father it was some new pants. from his mother he got a new shirt and some Slytherin stuff. i saw the next one was from Lucy and she has gotten me a magical bakery. it was a small oven you simple asked for something and it would give it to you.

Harry had given me a copy of his photo album and a couple of frames which i would put in my room. Hermione had gotten me  advance book seen as i was doing so well in my classes but the next two had me thinking.

"Alyssa Lilly i gave this to your mother when she was the same age as you and she never took it off until we had a disagreement. it is only fitting that this should be yours. SS" i red out putting the not down and opening the small box  it was a woven friendship bracelet i took it out.

"can you fix it on for me" i held out my wrist Draco fixed it on. i thanked him before going onto the next one.

"your mother left this in my possession, it is now time for you to have it." i red out there was no name but i unwrapped it. it was a diary

"I'll look at that later. well that's it no more" i sighed going to collect the paper up.

"hang on i have one more. it's from you" he looked at the tag i blushed

"oh yeah silly me." i sat back down. he took something and handed it to me

"happy Christmas " we both opened our presents we had the same thing i had given him a house ring as had he but with my was a locket on it was a serpent.

"thank you Draco" i slipped the house ring onto my right middle finger and fixed my locket around my neck.

"thank you as well" i cleared my throat and began getting rid of the paper this was now a little awkward.

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