30th July 2016

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Heyo bean ,
today was one crazy day. 6 1/2 hours shopping with my aunt. My feets are dead.But you know what? This has nothing to do with my huge shopping spree but I can't wait for the day you finally come here to good old Germany or the day I'll fly myself out to 'merica. *heart eyes* I pinky promise you that one day I break the freaking distance ,those crazy ,about 4.898 miles. That's much,no doubt. But distance won't keep me from loving or supporting you. My sunshine. My hero. My one & only. The love of my life.❤
People will call me crazy ,stupid etc but I really don't care. You make my heart happy. The rest can f**k off. *smiles* It's currently 9:25 pm . Lol. And right now I'm listening to some of your covers.I really love you a lot.
I'm crazy but whatever 😂❤

love you to death
Angel x

Letters to Wes // Wesley TuckerWhere stories live. Discover now