3rd august 2016

548 8 1

Hi bub,
as expected ; today was horrible. It was my day off but still. I took ,what feels like, 100000 naps. And they didn't really help. And I weighed myself. 122,1 lbs. TOO MUCH. Afterwards I had my usual breakout/freakout ,got mad at myself and yelled which resulted in my parents threatening to (force) commit me into a mental hospital.And both of them "telling" me how done they are with my problems. And more or less bringing up my illness. But what can I say, I'm pretty done with life anyway. So why keep trying ,when it always ends up like this anyway ?!Everything's getting heavier and worse again ... isn't life sweet? *please notice my sarcasm *

Love you lots x

Letters to Wes // Wesley TuckerWhere stories live. Discover now