1st september 2016

209 4 0

Hey Wes ,

soo.. yesterday I did sth kinda not good ( p.s it didn't help but whatever ).
I overdosed on laxatives.
My parents thankfully don't know.
Let's hope , rather I madly hope I'll get rid of my weight soon. REALLY  soon.
That's important. 110 lbs I'm coming. And then onto the 105 lbs.
Then I'm may or may not decently content /happy .  But whatever.
I would weigh less and that's cool.
Have I told you today how in love with you I am?
Well  ,I really am. You make me all smiley and happy. Just hearing your name, makes me smile so big & bright that my cheeks hurt , my heart explode with happiness and my heart beat really extremely fast. You just make life a bit more bearable.

Love you bub.

Angel  x

Letters to Wes // Wesley TuckerWhere stories live. Discover now