28th august 2016

236 5 1

hey Wes ,

I feel horrible. I ate ice cream today. But that was at like 3 pm . I haven't eaten since that.So I should be good. Tomorrow I'll try my first day of fasting ,only water is allowed. Hope I'll do okay. But adding to today , I was back home at like 3:30 or sth and worked out since then. Well 1 hour or a bit less  fully and after that on/off.
I'll do one last set in a few. My weight is at 117 lbs  . TOO freaking much. 110lbs is the 1st goal after that I gotta see...sorry. ik I'm hurting everyone but this is serious business .... and since I'm more or less already anorexic ... I don't mind.

I love you .

Angel  x

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