2nd august 2016

569 11 1

Hey baby ,
life is getting too much .
I really want to die.
Being dead is easier anyway.
At least then I wouldn't be such a waste. And not worthless,ugly,too big or anything along those lines. The weight on my shoulders is getting heavier ,again. Can't someone just shoot me already? Thanks. Damn, my eyes start to sweat.
Wes... I can't do this anymore. I'm done. I'm mentally exhausted. Slowly but surely killing myself , mentally wise.
Wes I just can't. I want to be free from this unbearable pain and weight and those demons that are hunting my mind for 2 years , maybe three , I can't remember. Too deep in. Fighting / having a war in my head with myself for 2 years ... wow. I'll take that as it's okay to be exhausted...but.
I love you so much Wes.
You're my rock. My everything. And always will be. No matter what. Even when I'll die / kms someday. Just know that you're the best thing that has ever happened to me.

Love you lots
Angel x

Letters to Wes // Wesley TuckerWhere stories live. Discover now