10th august 2016

396 7 0

Today started out freaking fantastic. I weighed myself and well hey look at me. I lost 3,9 lbs in 3 days!!! That's a new record.Now I'm at 119,2 lbs ! I'm proud . And well mhh ..let's rather not look at my calories intake. To say the least , today is my lowest ,I've been so far...
*cough* 130 calories *cough* And if my parents force me to eat a carrot ,then I'm at 156 ... Debatable. Idk if I'm going to but I'd rather not. My goal is coming closer yay! 9,2 lbs to go.That's basically if you'd calculate it up 1 1/2 weeks 'til I should be there. Let's see. Now to the dark side of all this...
my parents , like usually, threatened to commit me into a mental hospital... Typical. And my ,internet, sisters ,beans and so on are worried 'bout me. That makes me feel horrible. I don't want to loose them. They mean sm to me. But I won't stop 'til I'm happy either...ugh.. And my parents saying that I have an illness doesn't really help. Like Ik I'm sick , no need to point out the obvious. -.-
Well,like always, idk anymore.
But ,ik, and I won't ever forget that I love you.

Love Angel x

p.s love you sfm.

Letters to Wes // Wesley TuckerWhere stories live. Discover now