27th september 2016

133 4 0

hey WES (my old buddy)  ,

omg today was embarrassing.... I had another panic attack (the first since may) in front of the class 😞 I felt so embarrassing even though now everyone is rather more worried about me ...it feels weird to know that everyone suddenly cares... but why would someone worry about a failure like me? I can assure you that's just a waste of time bc I'm the same...I'm just a waste... ugh ...I'm so tired😓😂 But whateverrrr. Today ,besides the attack, was gooooood tbh . Today was an ok day... btw I'm reaaaaaally excited for your coming single😍😍😍 I'm so proud of you baby💗💋🙈

Goodnight now baby xx

Angel x

Letters to Wes // Wesley TuckerWhere stories live. Discover now