12th september 2016

173 1 0

hey Wes ,

so now my dad is asking me if I'm fine , as well...
since he knows rather since I told him I had suicide thoughts , more or less , still have . Tomorrow school is calling...ugh that means getting up at 6:10 am . What a lovely time. Not. Back to my dad's question , I told him : "How should I feel?!" Bc I really don't  know. I'm not feeling bad but not good either. But tbh my mood is gonna go up drastically on friday. Well at least I hope so. That's all I can do. Hope. I'm excited for the jaws dropping part all those days though. 😂 And my parents said yesterday ,and believe me I was laughing so hard bc just no , that boys would probably line up to be with me , if I wouldn't be at work sm or rather at home. And I was just like ,no.Never.
WHO tf would want Me ?!
Lol. Joke of the century. Well , I gtg.

Love you lots

Angel x

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