18th august 2016

281 7 0

hey babe ,

today was ok, I guess.
Well hey all I ate was an apple , some slices of cucumber and 1/2 carrot. #proud af  . Sad . I know. But it makes me feel good. Bright side : tomorrow is friyay :)  And the scale is calling soon again.Probably gonna step on it again on monday . And I hope  badly that the number on it is / got low(er). That would make me extremely happy.
Like , extremely happy.
And I really want a bf...
(( you'll always be #1 LOML though , nobody will beat you from that ))
But I want someone to cuddle and kiss. :(
Nobody wants me anyway.
Who am I even kidding.
I got you.

Love you lots

Angel x

Letters to Wes // Wesley TuckerWhere stories live. Discover now