1st august 2016

644 14 2

hey loml ,
today was.... idk what to say. It was my first day at work and I'm ,to say the least , dead. My whole body aches . And yesterday wasn't a good day though. I was in a bad mood and my parents ,yet again , threatened to commit me into a mental hospital. And I seriously ,think I'm getting better. Funny.Just a few mins ago I started crying ,out of the blue. I guess once fucked up always fucked up. Idk what to think anymore.On the bright side ,I'm 22 days clean , not much ik ,but hey I'm getting there.Sometimes I think the idea with the mental hospital isn't even THAT bad. Maybe I'd be much better afterwards than those boring therapy sessions with my therapists..who knows...Well...

Love you lots

Letters to Wes // Wesley TuckerWhere stories live. Discover now