25th february 2017

172 3 2

Wes,  I'm so proud of myself ;

This is me & 100 % reality.  I used to cover it all up but no ; not anymore . This is me ; this is what I've been through . These are my battle scars ; the reminder of my survival . So why should I ever hide them ? I've been depressed for 6 years; and I survived being suicidal . And my scars are my daily reminder for that . I know that others out there might be ashamed of theirs but darling you have NO need to hide them . I see my scars as a part of me , and ,since I strongly believe that everything happens for a reason , am proud of wearing these scars . They show me that I made it through ; that I was stronger than what tried to kill me . And if I'm 100% honest I'm proud as well because who knows if I would be as happy as I am right now , if I wouldn't have gone through what i have been ; and the things that happened to me . Who knows if I would've been as strong as I am right now ? •

You told me to never forget that everything will be ok ok alright and I never did. ❤

Ily x


Letters to Wes // Wesley TuckerUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum