7th February 2017

99 1 0

Hey Wes ,

soo I am 2 months clean!!!
Can you freaking believe THAT!?
I am amazed by myself . Really.
And on thursday my parents and I have that final talk with my psychologist from the mental hospital which means I'll go back to the place where I survived and I'm so excited. Like I miss that place so much already .It wasn't even like a hospital , it was like a huge flat where you live and hang out with your friends. Like that's how I would describe it. 😊
And I will also see one of my best friends ,who I met during my stay , and I miss her tbh.

well well.

I love you so much Wes❤

ttyl x

angel 😇

Letters to Wes // Wesley TuckerTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang