Chapter 2 - Irish neighbourhood

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I knew deep down my dad would want me to milk this act I have going on, in order to survive. The mafia NEEDS to be left in capable hands and so far I’m going to be more capable than most. I was staring out the window watching the surroundings zoom past. The brothers, well should I say twins, (Yes, fucking twins.) were constantly bickering and they tried to get me involved in some conversations but I either ignored them or gave one word answers. Murphy gave me a couple of worried or concerned glances and I was touched that he was so caring, it definitely added to his hotness factor. Yes, I thought one of the guys who killed my own flesh and blood, my father was hot.

STOP IT BLAIR! I scolded myself. You know one of the number one rules:

Do not let your emotions get the better of you.

I want to not obey that rule just for this one man. But that would either kill him or me or both. Fuck my life! I decided to continue looking at the area we passed and I realised where we were. FUCK! I’m going to die tonight anyways, sorry dad. i looked out in horror when I saw the men who know me and have wanted to nail me as soon as possible. Ladies and gentlemen the Irish fucking mob. They all know me, I went on a killing spree when they wouldn’t give up some land to us, and let me tell you I hardly made a dent in their “family”. We were on the outskirts I could jump out of the car and make a run for it right… about…


I undid my seatbelt and opened the door.

:What the fuck!?!” the twins said at the exact same time

“What are ya fecking doi-“

I didn’t hear Murphy finished because I jumped I grabbed my gun as I saw some of the Irish mob come up to me. I shot three of them and ran back to my home.

“Fuck you, you Irish Feckers” I yelled.

A really gruff voice shouted, “It’s that Scottish Swedish bitch! Get her! Shoot her if you have to but don’t fucking kill her!”

I should have thought this through a bit more carefully. Oh well, a bit too late for that. I heard gun shots go off and I turned around and shot some more guys down (I never missed, I have had enough training. Ten years to be exact).

I turned again and sprinted my little heart out. I reached the boarder and found a really nice audi A4 blue. I broke the window, unlocked the door, hotwired the car and drove back home. Hashtag winning. My mind yelled. I was congratulating myself for making an escape from the saints and the Irish Mob.

I noticed the car I was in was now following me, Fucking Twins! Leave me alone you… you Paddy son of bitches! Micks! I stopped the car and looked around I found a pack of smokes and a lighter. I lit the cigarette and got out of the car as the saints got out of their car. I closed the car door and leant against it waiting for them to approach me.

They stood in front of me, Murphy looking completely rattled and Conner looked unsure and slightly pissed.

“Aye?” I asked them.

“Care ta explain what the royal feck just happened?” Conner hissed. I raised my eyebrows at him.

“Might want to be a bit nicer to a girl with a gun. Especially when you killed her fucking father!” I spat at him.

He looked taken aback so Murphy took over the interrogation.

“You are Daniel Berg’s daughter?” Murphy asked in an almost whisper.

“Aye. And guess What saints!” I hissed the word saints.

They both looked at each other.

The Saints and the sinister "Angel" (BDS/ Murphy Macmanus)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें