Chapter 19 - Russian Roulette

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“Woah! Check the size of this fucking house man!” Romeo said.

“Yeah. I said she was fecking loaded!” Conner said.

“It’s your house too Murph. And Conner’s but mostly Murphy’s and mine.” Murphy looked over to me and smiled.

“Well done to you then Irish boy! Marrying a loaded wife… you know who she reminds me of.” Romeo pointed at me and then laughed, “That mob boss… no Mafia, she calls them Mafia… Mafia boss.”

“You don’t pay attention obviously.” I said as I spun around to look at him and he gave me a confused look, “On the news? Hello? I’m on there a lot lately. Not for being shot but because I fucked over the Irish last fucking night. I mean listen to the radio, look at the news…  Hello my maiden name is Blair Berg.” I said with a devilish smile and Conner and Murphy did that stupid laugh at something that wasn’t even funny. I rolled my eyes at them and turned the volume on the radio up as I parked the car, no one moved to get out and they all stayed in the car and listened.

“There was a shootout last night… Detective Greenly what can you say about this?”

“I can say that I have an idea of who it is…”

“Who do you think it was?”

“Not telling… she might hear.” I smirked and looked at Murph who was smirking as well.

“Any details you can give?”

“I can tell you that this girl has an execution style of killing, doesn’t miss so we’ve dealt with her before.”

“The girl working alongside the saints?”

“Umm… we think so.”

“Were the Saints involved in this killing?”

“Definitely not. No ways, this was all her, she came in here with revenge, anger or a purpose. No one was leaving this alive except for her.”

“Thank you detective. Well you heard it here first.”

“So let me process this…” Conner said, “My sister-in-law gets shot, recovers and is already back on the streets like a total badarse?”

I laughed and nodded. Conner then abruptly threw Romeo out of the car and followed him and they went inside but Murphy leant in and we started kissing and it got pretty heated but I wouldn’t do anything now. “I was so worried.” Murphy said to me in a gruff whisper and I moaned slightly.

“I’m alive.” I said and kissed him again.

“I wasn’t sure if ya were gonna ta make it outta tha’ one from wha’ Damian and Victoria said.” I nodded and kissed his head.

“I won’t leave that soon, you’ll have a warning… and you best be at the side of my death bed.” I winked at him and he chuckled.

“Nah, I’ll go before ya Princess.”

“Don’t say that Murph.” I said as I caressed his cheek. He just smiled and nodded, “We best go I don’t want Mexican over there to ruin my house.” Murphy did his usual bark of laughter and we got out the car, hand-in-hand to my house’s front door. When we go in I was pleasantly surprised to see Damian, Conner and Romeo talking like civilised human beings that were not messing up my white couches.

“That was quick” Conner said smirking at Murphy and I and we both groaned and slapped his head. “Oww ya cunts.” He said in an irritated voice. I walked forward so I was on the right of him.

“Aww Con I’m sorry.” I said in a fake sugar-sweet tone and he turned his head to look anywhere but here, “I got guitar hero maybe playing that will make you feel better.” He turned to look at me and nodded enthusiastically and everyone laughed at him. So I connected my TV to the game console and put the game in. “Enjoy boys!” I yelled behind me as I went outside.

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