Chapter 11 - I didn't mean it

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***Murphy’s POV***

I was forced out of the hospital by Conner and Blair. She said she wanted some time alone, she was kept in for another week, was returning home tomorrow. She was strong as hell, stronger than she was originally which is weird? Maybe it was an act? The doctors are amazed with her because she has been healing very quickly and that’s just how she has trained her body. The doctor was looking at her stitches earlier today and gasped and asked why the hell her wound was already half healed because it was healing way too quickly for what is normal, she shrugged her shoulders but held a smug smirk on her face. And they expect her to be able to move freely and with ease within two weeks now. Insane right? But she will, we all know it.

“Murphy! Focus!” Conner snapped his fingers in front of my eyes. I quickly focused.

“So the Russians?” I asked.

“Aye. Feckers have caused shit for Rocco and ‘is “mates”.” He put mates in quotation marks.

“Aye. When do ya think he’ll understand they don’ want him?”

Conner shook his head side to side, “I don’ fecking know Murph… Come on let’s go.”

I nodded and we hopped out of our car, guns poised. They had a meeting tonight in some pent house, we snuck in through the roof, once again, Conner and I started arguing and it turned to physically trying to kill each other, Blair would say we were unprofessional but oh well, that’s what you get for working with your best friend and brother. I heard a crack, “Shit.” We said at the same time as we fell through the roof. We shot all the guys before they could even attempt to shoot at us the mob guy crouched under us , I reached up and cut Conner’s fucking rope and we fell on our backs, bracing for impact, we said our family prayer and shot him. Did our normal ritual of pennies on their eyes and crossing their arms… sending them off to whatever god they chose.

“Well tha’ went smoother than our latest run ins…” Conner stated.

“Aye. Because Blair finally isn’t at the damn fecking meeting.” I said.

“Aye.” He grabbed a cigarette and lit it up passed it to me and slipped his own cigarette in his mouth and inhaled. “Ya missed this shit?”

“Aye, nicotine in hospitals is shunned upon.”

“Tha’s why ya don’ get a girlfriend… who has a dangerous job.” Conner said giving me a sidewards glance.

“Aye. Oh well, she makes life interesting… and she gave us a place ta stay.” I said.

“Want ta go see ‘er?” Conner joked.

“Aye. But I guess she needs time alone?” I asked him.

“I Don’ fecking know Murph. Ya know her better than me.”  I nodded and we drove off to the hospital.

“Wait here I’ll be out soon.” I got out and went to the normal room, the nurses smiled and greeted me and I nodded or greeted in return.

“Hey Princess.” I said when I got in her room she turned to me and smiled.

“Hey Murph.” She stood up and was fully clothed.

“ya look like a badass again.” I said, wrapping my arms around her and we kissed.

“Yea, I’m ready to go… so let’s go.”

“What are ya talking abou’?”

“I spoke to the doctor and he said I could go home now.”

“Ya threatened him?” I asked her and she just nodded, so I chuckled. She signed all the release forms and jumped in the car and Conner looked surprised to see her.

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