Chapter 6 - Feelings?

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okay so that photo of Blair's hair is up on this chapter so have a look :P anyways i just want to thank all of y'all who have been reading this book (: i hope y'all are enjoying it because I sure as hell am enjoying writing it for y'all. my next update will probably only be on friday due to a hard week of exams this week :| anyways here's Chapter 6! (:  :D

***Back to Blair’s POV***

I woke up at about seven in the morning meaning I only slept for three hours before the shootout and two and half after the shooting. i looked up and saw that Murphy was still fast asleep and then  I scolded myself for actually letting him sleep in my bed with me. Damnit Blair! How the fuck did you let some guy get in here. I mean rules! Remember the damn rules I kept thinking trying to convince myself that It was the right thing to say, but my somewhere in the back of my mind there was a little voice

Now baby-girl don’t be an idiot like your father. I looked around trying to find the voice that I missed dearly was. I’m in your head, I’m your voice of reason at the moment, God allowed me to come talk to you. I scoffed, you are just like your father baby, don’t believe in God, although your dad did start believing when I came into his life but you are more stubborn. Anyway the guy you are sleeping with at the moment in time is a firm believer in Jesus, killing the mob-bosses because Jesus or God sent them a message to do so… I looked around for my mom still, there was absolutely no way she was talking to me.

“Prove it; prove you were sent here by your damn God to talk to me.”

I heard her sigh before there was a bright white light and the most beautiful woman in front of me.

“You happy now baby-girl.”

I couldn’t answer when I saw her so I just nodded.

“Good, baby-girl. Murphy and Conner will look after you because Murphy wants you more than anything.”

“That’s why Conner didn’t kill me on the side of the road?” I asked, my voice sounded very… raw, talking to my mom.

“Exactly, I can see why your dad wanted you in the mob, you catch on quickly. But yes Conner didn’t kill you because he loves his brother so, so, so, so, SO much that he didn’t kill a girl his brother has a slight attraction to, but that attraction has grown even more. The feeling is mutual, don’t push him away.”

“I can’t let my feelings take over and YOU know that ma.”

“Yes, you can!” she argued, walking closer to me, “Your dad did and he was so happy… he got a wife and a beautiful, intelligent daughter who is now running the business. I wish you wouldn’t run it but you won’t even consider that.” I smirked knowing she was right, I wouldn’t consider leaving the business. She sighed, “Baby-girl” I looked up at her, “please do me this saving grace and give your feelings a chance, I know you tried to stop feeling when I died, but let them come again, mourn the death of your father, learn to love Murphy because I can honestly tell you, he is going to fall in love with you.”

“Alright, I’ll try… How’s dad?”

Just then another light came in and appeared next to mom, It was my dad.

“Hello pet.” I smiled at my dad

“I like this guy, even if he did kill me. I’m happier now.” He said wrapping an arm around my mom’s waist. “If he’s willing to save my little princess then I’m all good.” I nodded.

“I miss you guys already.”

“We know, we best get going because Murphy is stirring.

“Love you” they said in unison and were gone.

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