Chapter 4 - Paddy

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We broke apart after our little kiss and I started blushing so I turned away just to have Murphy’s hand turn my head to look at him. “Don’ turn around sweetheart. I think it’s cute tha’ yer blushing.” This caused me to blush even more.

He chuckled at my obvious discomfort, “what the little Boss can’ take on a whole bunch of dangerous men but can’ deal with a little kiss.” He mocked.

“Shut up you Paddy.”

“I’m hurt Sweetheart.” He said putting a hand on his heart faking a pain in his chest from my Paddy comment. “Well at least I am not a sweaty sock” He said with a wink.

“Good one Murphy. I’ll give you that.”

“Well thank ye, I’ll take it.” he was now beaming. “We should head in. don’ ye think?”

“I guess so.”

We made no movement to head inside, Murphy started leaning in again. Blair if you kiss him now, then there is NO turning back. You kiss him and then you will fall for him. You kiss him you will be happy but your life will be happier. I hesitated after my mind went on a little mind barf. Hell, follow your heart for once Blair! You deserve to be happy.

I met him half way and his eyes flew open, not expecting it but then he sighed into the kiss, closing his eyes, the kiss was gentle and urgent. Looks like he wanted this a lot more than I thought which caused my heart to flutter.

His tongue darted across my lip asking for entrance, I didn’t even hesitate and granted him access. When he stroked his tongue against mine, my heart started pounding a lot faster and the elephants started pounding again.

When we broke apart we were both panting, I smiled at Murphy and he caressed my cheek.

“By the way keep the car, I won’t use it ever again. Just fair warning: change the number plate” with that I left when I reached the door I yelled to Murphy, “Well are you coming?”

He looked up after his obvious zone out session and jogged to the front door. “Well you can Conner of your new car and that the second floor has 3 spare bedrooms, he can pick which one” after that I went to go get a whiskey. “You want some Conner?”

“No, are ye insane! I’ll stick with a beer; I don’t want a hangover tomorrow.”

“Pffttt, Whatever lightweight.”

“Lightweight? Me? Fine pour me a glass of tha’ whiskey shit then” he sneered.

Brilliant, see an Irishman drunk, this ought to be good. I don’t get drunk anymore, a bit tipsy but never drunk.

After an hour of watching Conner struggling to drink Whiskey as he hated the taste and now he was trashed out of his head, he started singing. Singing terribly I might add, Murphy even took videos and thanked me for getting Conner trashed, Conner passed out shortly afterwards and Murphy and I struggled to carry Conner’s fat arse up the stairs to a room. I was panting after we dumped him on the bed.

“Come on Murphy I’m tired and I don’t want any demons coming after me tonight.”

“Sweetheart, I’m Catholic so ye’ll be safe with me even next door.”

I raised my eyebrows, “Fine. Sleep next door. I’ll just let the demon possess me then and let him kill you so that there is no catholic twat in my house” I said dramatically.

“No, I’m staying with ye. I promised”

“You just like cuddling.” I playfully accused him.

“Aye, tha’ I am.” I was shocked a guy admitted that, “I am not lying either sweetheart.”

“Riiggghhhhttttt…” I grabbed his hand and took him up to the third floor into my room.

The Saints and the sinister "Angel" (BDS/ Murphy Macmanus)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin