Chapter 16 - Roc No!

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I felt someone moving my shoulders, shaking me awake and I grumbled something incoherent and slapped the arms away and buried my face into the pillow. I heard a deep chuckle from my favourite Irishman.

“Blair get up!” he said through a chuckle.

I slowly got up and rubbed my eyes like a little kid, “Why?”

“We are going ta the church.” Murphy replied.

I groaned and fell back on the bed, “Fuck off Murphy. I ain’t a jesus freak like you and your brother.” He laughed again.

“We aren’t Jesus freaks princess. Please come with.” He gave me a pout and I threw my pillow at his face.

“Fine.” He laughed, “But I am not going in there.” He nodded and kissed me and left to let me get changed. I decided on all black again and a leather jacket my shoes were combat boots and I had a JT under the jacket and short shorts. All black, I did a black and silver smokey eye and put red contacts in just because I felt like it.

I moved to go downstairs and the boys were waiting for me in a piece of shit brown mustang or dodge? I don’t know but it was ugly. I heard Conner laugh, “Yer facial expression Blair!” then I heard another laugh join his, “It’s not a bad car Blair.” The twins said at the same time. And I shook my head.

“This is a piece of shit.” I said referring to the car and they burst into a new set of laughter.

“Hey this is MY car!” Rocco said.

“Explains it all.” I said as I slammed the car door closed, I was sat next to Conner and we acted like little kids fighting and Murphy turned around and shook his head at us.

“Now kids, if ya two don’ stop fighting I’ll have ta get Rocco ta turn the car around.” He said with a devilish smirk. I continued fighting with Conner.

“Can I go back now?” I asked Murphy and he laughed. We pulled up to the church and the twins got out. And I got out, they waited for me but I shook my head, “I ain’t coming in with you… I’m going to the shop across the road.” I said with a shrug and Murphy asked why.

“Classified information now go!”

“Hey Murph.” I hear Rocco say and Murphy bent down to look at him, “This early morning church shit’s got to go.

“We have ta go in the mornin'. We're on the lam now, ya know.” Murphy said and walked off into church as I walked to the store.

Ding Ding. The bell rang and then William came to the front of the desk and when he saw me his face paled over.

“Wha- what can I do for you miss Berg?”

“William.” I nodded, “I need new handguns, top range.” I said nicely and then growled, “NOW!” he scampered to the back and I looked around the convenience store (he sold guns illegally to my mob). I took 6 packs of smokes and I had a look at the condoms. Playbunny condoms? Really? He came back with ten boxes of ammo and two beautiful guns, they were Kimber super carry pro. (Look at picture). “well you sure have outdone yourself today William.” I said as I inspected the guns I looked up at him and gave him $500.

“This is way too much.” William said.

“Keep the change. I took smokes and something else!” I yelled as I walked out of the store and ran over to the car and put my stuff in the boot and hit the back of the boot so Rocco knew he could go and he drove off to I have no idea.

I was strolling around the block when I saw Rocco, I walked past him. “HEY BLAIR!”

“Don’t talk to me, we are in public I have people watching me and you have people watching you.” I hissed. Agent Smecker fell out of a building trashed out of his head and I raced to him. “Are you okay Smecker?” I said as I helped him up.

The Saints and the sinister "Angel" (BDS/ Murphy Macmanus)Where stories live. Discover now