Chapter 3

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Lauren's pov-

The date was cute and i think i like him. I got back home to see all the girls besides Camila watching movies. It made wonder why.

"hey girls" They smiled at me, and waved.

"How was the date" Ally cooed. I smiled and started blushing like a tomato.

"amazing" i sat in the couch beside Ally and Dinah. "wheres Camz" i asked.

"asleep. She said she didn't feel so good" Dinah said. I arched my brow. That wasn't like Camzi.

I walked over to our room, and they were right. She was sound asleep. I hovered over her and seen tear stains on her cheek. Has she been crying? If she has, I wonder why.

I went to my side of the room, and began changing. I was literally tired, and all i wanted to do was sleep, but couldn't. 

"Lauren, no" i silently heard. I slowly climbed off bed to still see Camzi asleep. Maybe she was having a nightmare or something? "don't go" i slowly shook her but She didn't wake up. She stood silent so, i made my way back to bed. 

The next Morning, the sun was coming down a little hard through the window. I turned over to see Camila's bed Empty. I went in the restroom, then downstairs to see if anybody was awake. 

Camila's Pov-

"Hey, Ally" I greeted her. She was cooking breakfast as i came down. Normani came down minutes later then Dinah. 

"Hey Girls" Ally turned form the stove. Dinah sat near me and eyed me. 

"What" i blankly said. she sighed and moitioned me to the living room. "what's up"

"What's really up Mila" She asked. I sat in the couch And ran both hands through my hair. She rubbed my back waiting for me to answer.

"i think i like Lauren or something" I sighed. She smiled sitting next to me, swinging her arm around me.

"I know Mila" She said patting my back gently.

"how do you know" I asked looking up.

"its the way you sometimes look at her. its cute" Dinah smiled at me once more before getting up and going to the kitchen.

I sat there and thought for awhile, before going to the kitchen. As I walked back to my seat, Lauren sat down eating toast with Nutella.

"morning Camzi" she said.

"morning" I sat down next to Dinah staring Lauren. I can't believe I confessed to Dinah that I actually like Lauren. All these year feeling a weird feeling was actually me liking her. But she won't feel the same, she has Keaton.

A/N: I am so tired, well for awhile I think I'm going to do Camila's pov-. So yeah! :)

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