Chapter 6

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"Insidious it is then" Ally yelled. Normani popped in the movie, and sat between us.

"are you guys sure" I asked taking a deep breath. I can't watch a scary movie without Lolo.

"Were here Mila, its just a movie" I sighed and nodded, wrapping myself in my blanket.

Halfway through the movie the girls where asleep. I huffed loudly to see if anybody would wake up, but failed miserably. Dinah clenched on the remote, and I carefully took it from her. She didn't move, but let it go.

It was 3am and I couldn't sleep at all. I flipped threw the channels on the TV, til I heard the door slowly open.

"Hello" I called out, and got nothing. I slowly stood up and walked near the door. The door knob turned slowly and Lauren walked in.

"What are you doing up" She said. I threw my hand over my heart startled.

"you scared me, and I couldn't sleep" I walked in the kitchen and grabbed an apple. Lauren followed behind and turned on the light. Her face was red, and her eyes also. "Lolo, you ok" I asked. She nodded.

"Yeah" She whispered.

"Don't lie. I know your lying. Now please tell me" I sat the apple down and grabbed her hand, dragging her up to our room. I took her to our bathroom and washed her face. Her just was ripped. "What happen to your dress" I asked. She instantly looked at me scared.

"its nothing" she said.

"Lauren we haven't been close in a while, and I blame myself. But I'm here, I never left" I pleaded she began to cry even more. I pulled her to a hug, carefully taking her to my bed.

"Keaton" was all she said. I sighed and kissed the top of her head.

"What did he do" I asked scared of what the answer might be. I stroked her hair, just waiting.

"He tried to rape me" She said calm. She snuggled more into me as If I was going to leave.

I for sure I'm going to beat the hell out of Keaton tomorrow. His going to wish he was never born. My thoughts were interrupted by Lauren giggling. I looked at her confused.

"What" She sat up next to me and placed her hand on my knee.

"you thinking about killing him, aren't you" I smiled.

"yup, you can't stop me either" She threw her hands in defeat and laid back down. "I love you Lolo" I said. Did I just really say that.

"Love you to Camz. Thank you" She kissed my cheek. Wow, was all I was thinking.

We have been friends since I moved to Miami, and I never felt that way about anybody but Lauren. I kissed the top of her head and laid next to her. 

The next morning I woke up alone in bed. I walked in the bathroom then downstairs. Lauren was making breakfast.

"Morning Camz" She waved sitting a plate of eggs and pancakes. My eyes widen at the yummy sight.

"Morning and thanks" I said before attacking my plate.

"wow, Camz. Calm down, your going to get sick" I shrugged still eating.

The girls walked downstairs, and sat around us. Dinah sat next to me as usual and eyed me.

"so girls what's for today" I asked before Dinah could even say anything.

"well, rehearsals for the next show" Ally said. Last week were in fifth place, which wasn't so bad.

"what's this week" Lauren asked. Ally pulled out her phone, checking.

"Divas week" We cheered thinking of all the divas we could possibly do. "lets do 'Hero' by Mariah Carey" Ally yelled. We stood quiet and cheered again. 

Hours passed and We were finally done with today's rehearsals. Lauren and walked around the stage and watched other groups perform. Then it was Emblems 3 turn. I felt my blood instantly boil from how mad I was. 

"Lauren, wait" We heard Keaton say. I felt Lauren's hand wrapped around mine, Tightening her grip as he walked closer. 

"let's go" Lauren whispered. I nodded and slowly walked away.

"Laur, wait. I'M sorry about last night. I don't know what happened" He said and grabbed her arm. My first instinct was to punch him, but i don't want to get in trouble with Simon, So I swatted his hand away. "woah, What the hell"

"Leave her alone" I said and took Laurens hand. I walked her in a dressing room, and sat her down in a chair. 

"Thanks Camila" I nodded taking her hand. She looked in my eyes and smiled. I was so lost in her green orbs, that I didn't realize her Leaning close to my face.

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