Chapter 8

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A/N: I'm sorry for doing this but I'm skipping the xfactor scene. We all know what place they got and everything so yeah.

A couple months has passed, and nothing really changed. Somehow Lauren and Keaton went back out. Sure I was furious, but Lauren is not mine, I couldn't really do anything about it. But he hasn't changed.

It was now 7pm, and everyone was still napping. The house was silent, and all I heard was Lauren's breathing. It was quiet relaxing, if you tell me.

I turned over on my side and seen Lauren peacefully taking a nap. She looked so beautiful, like a goddess or better. The only thing that was hurting me to see, was the ugly bruis on the right side of her cheek.

She had came home late last night from another 'date' with Keaton.


The front door to the house slowly opened. I was home alone since the girls all went out for dinner with boyfriends  or friends that came to visit. I walked over to the door and opened it wider.

"Yes, how may-" I stopped at mid sentence when I seen Lauren's body figure, holding the door frame for support. It was dark for it was night. I turned on the lights to see the corner of her mouth dripped in blood and the side of her right cheek red.

"Lolo!" I exclaimed and wrapped an arm around her waist. She wrapped an arm around my shoulder for support. As I walked her inside, I kicked the door close. "Come on" I motioned her to jump on my back which she did. I walked up stairs to her room.

"Everything hurts" she quietly said, trying not to cry. I kissed her cheek as I laid her on her bed. I went in the kitchen and took the first aid kit, and ran back to Lauren.

I grabbed her some pjs and stripped her into them. At a time like this, I wasn't thinking of my feelings, I was thinking about her and the possible pain she was in. I grabbed a cream we used for brusis  and things like that and Applied it on.

"Ow" she winced. I took out some napkins we had and cleaned her lip.

"What happen" I asked Lauren when I was done. She shook her head as if she didn't want to talk about it. I was going to pressure her so I kissed her cheek one last time before going to my bed.

*End of Flashback

Lauren began to turn on her side and faced me. Her eyes slowly opened revealing those beautiful green eyes.

"Camzi? How long have you been staring" she raised a brow. I began to panic and think of a quick lie.

"I just woke up, and you where there, sorry" I made a face at my lie and giggled. She stood up and walked over go to me. My eyes where fixed on her, as I was confused at what she was doing. She then laid down next to me. My heart began to rapidly beating, while skipping every other beat as I felt her hot breath on my neck.

"Remember when we were little and I had those ugly nightmares" She said. I nodded in response since I was still to shock to speak. "And how you would wrap me in your arms like this" She wrapped an arm around my waist, pulling me closer to her. There was no more space between us. My body was literally pressed against hers. "I miss those nights" She admitted. My eyes grew in size, and my lips curled to a half smile.

"I-I do to" I said and looked down. She grabbed my hand and with her fingers, she drew circles in them.

My feelings where all over the place. If I'm Right, I never thought Lauren would feel the same the way I feel for her.

"Camzi?" I looked up at her beautiful green eyes. "Do you want to go out, for dinner" she sounded nervous. I nodded my head quickly and watched her flash her beautiful smile. "Ok, get ready, we leave In an hour" I immediately jumped out of bed and ran down the hall looking for Dinah's room. She was asleep as I entered.

"CHEECHEE" I yelled and watched her roll off the bed startled. I ran over to her trying to hold back my laughter. I helped her up.

"What could you possibly want child" She rubbed her head and I couldn't help but laugh

"D, Guess what" I said excitedly and also changing the subject.

"What!" I told her everything that happened minutes ago in Lauren and I's room. She smiled and hugged me. "I think she likes you Mila" I looked down and smiled.

"You think so" she nodded and pushed me out of her room.

"Now, go get changed. Your wasting time" She said lightly pushing me.

"But I also need your help finding something to wear" I whined, and stopped myself at her door.

"Well come on" I looked at her seriously. "What"

"Did you forget I have the same room as her" She said and pushed me back in her room. She sat me in her bed, and left the room.

Normani was Dinah's roommate  but she was asleep. So she wasn't paying attention to us. Which is great since I don't want the girls knowing.

Dinah came back minutes later, with like 20 different outfits.  She laid them around her bed and looked ag me.

"Try on this dress" I did and went to try it on in her bathroom. The dress was nice, but it wasn't something to wear on a date, more for clubing.

"Nope" I said twirling around so she can look at it.

"Yeah, your right" She looked the clothes again and picked up a dress.

After a few outfits later, I was satisfied with this white blouse, black high waisted shorts, and black flats. But I felt like something was missing. I turned to Dinah with a thinking face.

"Is anything missing" I asked. She looked at me up and down searching for what was missing. Her grew with excitement, when she figured it out.

"A black bow. You'll look so cute" she cooed. I giggled Nd told her where my collection of bows where. She came back and help me put it in. "Alright, she told me to tell you, she downstairs so when ever your ready" my hand began to shake nervously.

"Alright" I hugged her and ran down the stairs to see Lauren in a beautiful dress, with black heels. Her hair down in loose curls. I was so lost in her beauty.

"You look amazing, Camzi" I blushed and walked to her.

"You look beautiful Lauren" she blushed and she opened the door and walked me over to one of our body guards, who was driving us to the place.

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