Chapter 11

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"Lauren!! Don't do that" Camila yelled at me as I took her bacon from her plate.

"Hey! Sharing is caring, and besides there's more" I said walking over to Mani. I took bites of the bacon looking at Camz.

"Not when its my food!" She stuck her tongue out and continued eating.

"Alright girls" Ally said. "Simon called saying we have to spend the day with a special guest. For what reason, I don't know, but let's try and not scare the person away" She giggled.

"When is this special guest coming" Dinah asked.

"In about an hour or two" Ally said taking a bite of her pancake.

We went and got ready, for the mystery special guest. For some reason, I have a bad feeling in the pit of my stomach about today.

"The persons here" I hear Normani running down the steps and getting the front door.

Ally, Dinah, and I walked downstairs to see Austin Mahone. I was confused as I approached him, but I still said hi. As we talked to him, Camila Finally made her way down the stairs. She looked stunning. Her hair in her natural curls. A dark blue sweat shirt that stopped a bit above her belly button, and regular skinny jeans.

"Sorry I took long. I didn't know what to wear" She said sitting next to me. When she finally looked up she seen Austin's face, a beautiful smile grew.

"Its ok, Austin" Austin introduced himself and by the way he looked at Camz, he was an in awe of her. I wouldn't blame him, but he does need to keep his distance.

"Camila" they shook hands and stared into each others eyes. They were like that for awhile til I brought them to reality.

"Ok guys" I said clapping my hand in front of their faces. "Let's do something" I suggested.

"Its up to you guys" Austin said still looking at Camila. The girls thought it was so cute. How they just looked at each other. I on the other hand wanted to barf.

An hour or so has passed and we were at the batting cages. He suggested on coming here, and I really didn't mind. I been wanting to come to bat for awhile since I was no longer in softball. It was like a stress reliever for me.

"Ok your going to hold the bat like this, and your going to move your body like this" My nostrils flared as I seen him touch Camila. She seemed to like it.

"Jealous are we" I heard Dinah say, walking to my side. I turned slowly and looked at her confused.

"I don't know what your talking about" I said sliding my glove on my right hand.

"Oh shut up Lauren, you do" I rolled my eyes and stood inside one of the cages.

"I do not!" I said getting in position. The ball came flying out from the machine, at full speed. The bat and the ball collided as I swung. All I thought about at the moment, was the ball being Austin's head.

"Wow, do it just like that" Austin said to Camila with wide eyes. "Wow, you bat amazing, and scary" he chuckled.

"Whatever" I got in position again, and swung the bat hitting the ball. Which I imagined was Austin's head, which made me swing a little harder. I was in the cage for about an hour till I heard a small voice, that I have began to grow feelings for.

"Your good" I smiled at her and thanked her, before hitting the last ball. I threw the helmet and gloves off and threw them to the side.

"What are we doing now" I asked everybody. Camila walked over to me and took my hand.

"Can you show me how to bat" she asked. I nodded with a small smile.

"What about Austin" I asked handing her a helmet and a glove.

"I missed all the hits. I just want to hit it at least once" She slid the glove on and stood still as I threw on a helmet.

We walked into one of the cages and I made her stand in front of me. I handed her a bat and wrapped my hands with hers from behind. I felt her body tense up against mine, and began to get nervous.

"Ready" I asked her. She nodded. I threw a thumbs up at the guy behind the machine to start. Once the ball flew out, I held Camila's hands tightly and swung. "Good job, now let's see if you can do this on your own"

"are you sure" I nodded and stepped out the cage.

"Get in position Camz" I said. She did as told and nodded her head when she was ready. I threw a thumbs up again. "HIT IT CAMZ!" I yelled as the ball flew out. She swung to late and screamed. Her eyes were closed when I walked over to her. I giggled and got her in the batting position again.

"I can't do this" she whined after a few times. She still missed every hit.

"Were not leaving until you hit it" I told her getting her back inside the cage.

"Fine" she held the bat up and looked up since the helmet was falling. It looked like chicken little. It was adorable.

"Keep your eyes on the ball this time" I yelled.

"Can we go now" Normani asked.

"We're not leaving until Camila hits it" she rolled her eyes and sat next to Ally.

The ball flew out in full speed as it has been doing this past hour. The guy behind seemed tired but I didn't care. Finally the ball was near Camz and she swung. The ball flew over the cage, to God knows where.

"I hit it, I hit it!" She ran towards me hugging me. "Did you see it" I laughed giving her a high five. She was still in my arms and I didn't mind. I wanted to stay in this position forever.

"Thank the lord Jesus!!! Its hot, let's go" Normani yelled.

"Well is anybody hungry" Austin asked. Camila let go of me and raised her hand like a cute little girl. "Well let's get some pizza" He suggested.

We all cheered and ran to the suv.

On our way to pizza hut, my phone vibrated, and I groaned not bothering to pick it up. Dinah was in the middle of an interesting story about Camila, when I finally answered the call.

"Hello" I said a bit annoyed.

"Hey babe" I heard Keaton's voice, and I rolled my eyes. "I went over your house and you weren't there"

"I ended up moving" Camila shot me a look and I smiled. She smiled back with a redish tone to her cheeks. When she blushes, its the cutest thing.

"Oh well want to hang out tonight" he asked. I really didn't want to hang out with him tonight or anybody actually, just the girls.

"Umm...guys" I called. Everyone looked at me waiting for me to go. "Can I invite...." I paused before going on. "Keaton"

The girls didn't know about Keaton hitting me, so they were excited about him coming. Dinah immediately looked at Camila who looked down. She half smile and shrugged at Dinah.

The car finally came to a stop. Camila was the first out. So I fought the girls so I can be the next. When I was finally out, I grabbed Camila's hand taking her to the side of the building.

A/N: a bit better but my voice really didn't come back. Any who I hope you like this chapter!!

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