Chapter 4

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Its been a couple weeks, and we became fifth harmony, after we had struggles with names. The girls and I are getting along pretty great. But at times i don't talk to Lauren. I know i have fallen for her, but i don't want to believe it. 

"Hey girls, were going out to eat. So get ready" Ally said entering Mine and Laurens room. I sighed to my self and just scrolled threw my phone. 

"Aren't you going to get ready" Lauren asked. I didn't bother looking at her. I might get lost in those beautiful green..Camila stop it.

"Yeah, i will in a bit" She nodded and walked out the room. I sat up letting my back rest on the bed frame. I had also found out her and Keaton are together. The worst thing i have ever heard. I cried alot that night, but in Dinah's room. I didn't want Lauren to hear or see me. 

I finally got dress in skinny jeans, An England sweatshirt, and converse. I let my hair down and just grabbed my phone running out the door. Ally stood outside the car waiting for me. 

"Finally little girl" She lightly pushed me in the car, and out of everyone inside i got seated next to Lauren. Dinah smirked and pulled out her phone. 

CheeChee- Its Faith 

I looked at her seriously. She busted out laughing out of nowhere causing the girls to stare.

Me- shut up :/

We got to a small restaurant and sat down, this time i made sure i wasn't sitting with her. The girls and I ordered and waited for it to come out. 

"so Lauren" Mani said making conversation. "How are you and Keaton" she asked. I pulled out my phone and began to mess with it. I scrolled threw it blocking everyone around the room. Of course i didn't want to Ignore Lauren, but i just don't want to believe my feelings for her. 

Your straight Camila, and Lauren is your best friend. you need to talk to her. The voice in my head was right. I put away my phone and listen to how Lauren and Keaton were, even though it hurt like hell.

"Mila? why are you so quiet today" All the girls eyes went on me. I felt a bit uncomfortable, and swallowed hard.

"I dont know...maybe I'm not feeling well" Lauren eyed me. 

"You haven't been feeling good all week" Lauren said. She stared at me, and so did the girls except for Dinah who knew the reason.

"I think I'm home sick. I really miss my family" I wasn't lying about that. That part was actually true. I miss my mom, my dad, and Sophie. How i miss that little girl. Now that I'm thinking about them, I began to tear up. The girls scooted closer to me.

"Dont cry Mila, Youll see them soon" Ally said. I didnt notice Lauren standing up and hugging me from behind. I was tensed but relax in her arms. I needed the hug. I forgot my feelings for at that moment. I just wanted a hug.


 A/N:my tummy hurts like so much. After this class is over I'm going home and to bed.

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