Chapter 13

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Camila's pov-

After the loud bang of Lauren's door being shut, I slowly made my way out my room and down the stairs. If she wasn't want to talk to me, then I guess I won't. Her wish is granted. I just want her to be happy.

"you ok there?" I heard the girls ask. I lifted my head and nodded, throwing my best fake smile.

"Never better" I said trying to sound happy. "I should go now, His here" I don't even want to go this stupid date anymore. I want to go in my room and cry.

"i'll get Laur-" I cut Ally off and shook my head viously.

"Its fine, I have to go" I yelled  and ran out the door. Austin waited outdside his small black car, and waved excitedly when I excited the house.

"Hi MIla!" He exclaimned. "you look very Beautiful" He said pulling my arm for massive hug.

"Thank you" I said before pulling away. "you don't look bad yourself" He smile and opened the passenger door for me. But before I entered, I seen Lauren's window. She looked out at us and went back inside. This will be hard for me not to talk to her. "well, Let's go" I said trying to sound cheerful.

Lauren's pov-

Looking at Camila hug Austin was the worst sight, and feeling. MY stomach turned and my heart ached. I felt like my heart was literally ripped out my chest and stabbed multiple times with a knife.

She looked at me and I immediately looked away from the window. I should have never said those things to her. Its like eating at me.

"Lauren?" I heard Mani say from my door.

"yeah" She walked in and sat on my bed.

"why didn't you come down and say bye" She asked. I laid in my bed and sighed.

"I already said bye, and wished her luck before she went downstairs" She shrugged and stood up. I opened a book I had lying around my bed, and began to read it not caring if Mani left or not.

"You know Lauren, you don't have to hide you feelings. You'll only hurt yourself and her" I shot up and seen she wasn't at my door anymore. But how would she know.

I slowly made my out my bed and out my room to go after Mani. Mani stood there looking at me.

"I knew you would come after me"She said. She smiled and walked away.

"Wait! Normani" I yelled. I ran trying to keep up with her. "How -"

"Did I know" She cut me off. I nodded. "you guys are more than my friends, you guys are my sisters.I can tell" We walked down the long stairs and into the living room. "Plus its obvious when you look at someone with love and passion. You don't look at Keaton like that"

"I do?" I asked. I have never even realised it, or im just plain stupid. "Do you think she likes me back" I asked already no the answer was no. She shook her head and giggled looking down.

"Lauren, you are something" she shook her head again with a giggle. I looked at her confusedly. She obviously knew something I didn't. "just know not to hide your feelings" I huffed knowing she wasnt going to tell me.

The girls walked in from outside and sat next to Normani and I. We sat there in total silence, til Ally spoke up.

"Well the night is still young. We need to do something or go somewhere" Dinah stood up at the idea.

"I agree, let's go to the mini gold course or something" I looked at the two girls and nodded in agreement.

I guess we can, We'll just go without MIla. But does anybody know how to play?" Normani asked standing with the girls.

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