Chapter 14

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Camila's pov-

"Thanks I had fun" I told Austin. He walked me to the door like gentlemen should.

"I'm glad you did" He smiled. I won't lie, he was cute. I found myself blushing.

"Well I should be going, the girls are probably worried" he nodded looking at my eyes. I knew where this was headed. His head came closer to mine as he stared at me deeply. I turned my head so he can peck my cheek.

"Well night Mila" he waved and walked away. I quietly walked in the house and stood in the dark living room.

I'm saving my first kiss, for someone special. That's when Reality came to me. Lauren and I weren't in speaking terms.

I slowly made my way up the stairs , and into my room. The house was surprisingly quiet. Maybe the girls where asleep. I started to changed to my pj, when I heard front slam open.

"LAUREN! LAUREN!" I heard Ally's voice say with so much concern. I came out my room to see what's going on.

"Hey guys" I said walking down the stairs.

"Have you seen Lauren" Normani ask. I shook my head and walked over to Dinah. She rubbed my back lightly and sat me on the couch.

"I'm taking the suv and see if I can find her"

"I'll going with you" Normani said.

"What's going on" I asked still not understanding what was going on. Dinah told the girls to leave, and she told me everything that happened. From Lauren seeing Keaton with another girl, til when Lauren stormed off some place.

I began to pace back and forth around the living room. I was really worried about Lauren, and her safety. Its 11 pm and she or the girls are not home yet.

"Dinah, I can't do this" I said running up stairs. I grabbed a sweater and ran back down. "I'm going to go look for her. If the girls come back tell the I left"

"No cause I'm going with you. You can't go alone" I sighed and nodded.

We walked around the block and further then we were supposed to. And Still no Lauren. I looked at Dinah wanting to cry.

"What If she's not ok" I asked.

"Don't talk like that Camila. She's fine. I promise. Now let's go back home" I silently nodded and walked next to her

My mind was literally racing with How Lauren was and where she was. Just practically her safety.

When we made it home, the girls still weren't home. But the front door was open. Dinah tightened her grip on my arm.

"What if its a burglar" Dinah whispered.

"What if its Lauren" As I was walking up to the door, I heard an awful scream. I looked at Dinah and immediately ran in the house.

"NO! Stop! HELP!" I heard Lauren scream. I ran up the stairs passing every ones room and going to Laurens.

When i pushed passed Lauren's door, Keaton was Beating Lauren. He was actually hitting her.

"Leave her alone" I said. Keaton dropped Lauren and looked at me.

"Camz" Lauren said softly. It was breaking my heart. She sounded weak and hurt.

"Camila, I didn't hear you come in" He scratched his head and slowly backed away from Lauren. "I think I should go" I walked towards me and I stopped him from walking out the door.

"You are not a man you know" He turned back and looked at me.


"Men don't hit girls, your nothing but a douch and bastered" I walked towards him. I was scared since I'm way shorter then he was. But I faced nit showing fear for Lauren. "Your an asshole" then somehow my first collided with his jaw.

He did a half turn and clenched his teeth. He stood taller then he did before and lifted his hand. I closed my hands ready to feel what was coming.

"Hey!" I opened my eyes and seen Cops running in the room. One had Keaton pinned to the floor hand cuffing him. I waited till they took Him out the room to run to Lolo.

"Lauren" I sat on the floor bringing her head on my lap. "Lauren wake up" I shook her but got nothing. Dinah ran in the room and bent down to help Lauren.

"I'm calling ambulance" She said before pulling her phone and Dialing.

"Lauren, please" I kissed her head and stopping at her nose. "Wake up, I need to tell you something" I said hoping that would do the trick. She stired a bit, so I knew she was ok. Dinah ran back in the room sitting on the floor with me. "Help me put her on the bed" She did as told and helped me lay her on the bed.

I stood with her the whole time till the ambulance came. They told me Lauren Didn't need to go to hospital, since it was nothing serious. She was just so scared. They left an hour later till Lauren was a bit awake.

"Mila, I'll be right back. The officers need to talk to someone about Keaton" I nodded and watched her leave.

A/N: I hope you like the chapter!

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