Chapter 18

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"Wolves in our own skins
We're savages." -"Savages" by Breathe Carolina


The parallels to the situation she was in were uncanny and definitely unwanted. Zethus Nikiforov marked the wooden grave, leaving the rest of the grave unmarked. At least it wasn't raining.

I never thought I'd find myself in the same situation a second time. She mulled to herself as she breathed heavily. Less tears were leaked this time compared to Thalia's death. She had become almost desensitized to the amount of death that surrounded the resistance. Or maybe she had already cried out all the tears her body could produce.

"Nova," came Christopher's sharp voice. She looked up to see the remains of her squad standing at the gates of the cemetery, a higher official with a cap standing with them with his hands folded behind his back. She spared one more sorrowful glance down at the grave.

"Those we love don't go away. They walk beside us everyday, guiding us along in the life they finished. Don't forget that she'll be there every day... Unseen and unheard, but always there."

"I'll hold you to that for yourself," she whispered down at the grave. She turned, walking with unfaltering, confident steps as she neared the ranking soldier. Her chin jutted upwards slightly at the regretful look on his face.

"Now that you're all here-"

"We're not all here," Tony snapped, her hair was braided and pulled up into a bun. The officer reeled back in shock, his eyes widening at her blatant disrespect.

"Excuse m-?!"

"One of our companions just died, and you have the audacity to say 'now that all of us are here'?" she seethed openly, bringing an accusing finger down on his chest to poke it harshly. "Have any of you rebels have souls? Even the mercenaries I knew had enough respect to not-" she pulled back by Christopher. Without a moment's rest, he slapped her across the cheek, causing her to clench her jaw and narrow her eyes angrily at him. She made no move to grab the part of her face that had been struck.

"Get yourself together Antoinette. This is not your ragtag team of mercenaries." He turned back to his higher official, tilting his head forward in apology.

"I'm sorry for the actions of my team member, Captain Michaelis, please continue with what has brought you to us." The captain sent Tony a wary look before returning to address the group as a whole.

"I know this is a bad time for your team, Christopher, but we need your help. There seems to be an increase in deaths to vampires recently. The resistance is calling for retraining and extra patrols. We are sending out certain squads to receive rations from towns around the headquarters in order to support this. We ask that your squadron goes to Kincardine in order to bring back some rations," he explained, his eyes dancing between each member before landing back on Christopher. He nodded his head in acceptance.

"Whatever it takes for the Resistance," he answered dutifully. "We'll head out now." The captain saluted them, which the five of them returned quickly.


Nova had never seen a functioning town ran by humans, and she couldn't help it when her jaw dropped in amazement as they set into the town on foot, their horses tied up at a farm on the outskirts.

Her head crammed upwards at the towering white houses with wooden boxes holding flowers and windows gaping open to let in the cool breeze. She brought down her gaze, taking in the roads. The houses were close together, making the street smaller and easily cramped. Cobblestone cracked with weeds laid underfoot. Soon the alleyway opened up into a bustling square. Wheels carted were filled with items that merchants tried to peddle off. A circular well sat in the middle, with children rushing around it in a game of tag. Laughter filled the air, infectious enough to cause Nova to crack a smile.

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