|Chapter 1| - Edited

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Looking out the window of his carriage, a young boy sighs and fiddles with the hem of his shirt out of nervousness and boredom, and with a lack of something better to do whistles a small tune. He's immediately quietened however by his father sitting across from him, the boy falling silent as he places his hands on his lap and glances down at them.

This boy's name is Jeremy Fitzgerald, the son of a wealthy tradesman with a company he wishes to expand through the marriage uniting his son and the daughter of another trading company. Currently Jeremy is on his way to the manor not too far away from his family's own to meet the girl who he is to marry, though the boy certainly complained about this to his parents, who did not listen as per usual. Instead they now smile dearly at their son, holding hands as any normal couple would.

"We're glad you agreed to this Jeremy, the girl you're about to meet is wonderful and lovely, be sure to be respectful and kind towards your future wife" His mother explains to him, Jeremy only half-listening however as he stares out the window to the trees and flowers passing by in an array of beautiful colours. His mother, now a bit disappointed by her son's dismissive attitude, glances to her husband for help, but he just sighs and waits to exit the carriage.

Jeremy never wanted to be married in the first place, but only agreed to it for his parents' sake. It wasn't like he was given much of a choice anyway, especially since they had suddenly told him of his betrothal without warning. Such a scare it gave him. He shudders at the memory, hoping to calm his nerves before the time comes to meet his future wife.

You see, Jeremy is not the typical 'man' a woman would want to marry. At the young age of 16, he's lacking in muscular build due to his short height, which he inherited from his mother's side. His hair could never be tamed and remained fluffy and buoyant, despite all attempts to comb and gel it down. He lacks in self-confidence and is always nervous around groups of people, considering how his parents never introduced him properly to the idea of a social function, they just threw him in headfirst with the expectation that he would be fine. They were wrong.

Soon enough, the boy is snapped from his thoughts as his father now speaks up to gain his attention, Jeremy obviously not pleased by the disruption, "Her name is Annabelle, and she's just a year younger than you are. Her father is the chairman of the company I am making the deal with, so this marriage will prove to help a lot with the expansion of the company" He smiles, though it quickly falters as Jeremy replies with a small hum and looks away once again.

Now frowning, his father stands as soon as the carriage stops, being the first to exit once the driver opens the door and holding his hand out for his wife to follow. They both smile at one another and begin to walk to the crowd of people already gathered in the courtyard, Jeremy huffing a bit as he quickly follows as to not get left behind. Not that they would care anyway.

"Ah, Mr. Fitzgerald! Such a pleasure to see you once again! My, you are looking well!" A man grins as he shakes Jeremy's father's hand, soon fixing up his suit collar as he glances over to Jeremy. He must be Annabelle's father, Hugh Taylor from Taylor Trading and Co., a popular trading company who will soon be partnering with Jeremy's father's company as part of this deal already briefly mentioned previously.

Jeremy grows nervous and shyly waves at his future father-in-law, who chuckles as Jeremy's father replies to him, "I am very well as I'm sure you noticed, now I'd like to introduce my son Jeremy, who will be meeting Annabelle very soon" He says and gently ushers Jeremy forward to his side, smiling down at his son who nervously shakes Mr. Taylor's hand.

"I-It's a p-p-pleasure to meet y-you sir" Jeremy says, cursing at himself mentally for not being able to keep his stutter under control as he keeps up a forced smile. Can't let himself already gain a bad impression from his future father-in-law, can he? Mr. Taylor seems to laugh and slaps a hand on Jeremy's shoulder, the boy holding back a squeak from the sudden action.

Jeremy In Wonderland | FNAF AU (ON HOLD FOR EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now