|Chapter 18|

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Benjamin lets out a cry as he stumbles back, one hand loosely holding his sword as the other clutches his now bleeding side. The same blood is now coating Richard's sword, the Red King's eyes wide with insanity as his grin remains.

"Tch, I knew it, you were always the weaker one Benji..." He says, laughing softly after the sentence as he takes a step forward, "And now, because of your actions, you are going to DIE...~!"

Benjamin grits his teeth as he glances at his now fallen hat, which is by a sobbing Simon's feet. He locks eyes with the terrified King and flashes him a sad smile, his breathing erratic as he feels his knees shake.

So...this is how I die...huh? Killed at the hands of my own brother...He thinks to himself, glancing around at everyone else as he continues to step away from Richard, who's only ever advancing closer and closer to the man.

He looks straight into Richard's eyes and stops moving, the older brother raising his sword above his head and about to slam it down only to stop in his tracks at the sound of a familiar voice.


He becomes confused as he looks to the left of him, spotting a floofy-haired boy in shining silver armour running towards him. "It...can't be..."

The boy slows down once he's close and smiles, hot pink eyes shining as he steps forward, "It's me, Richie, it's Tyler..."

Benjamin's eyes widen as he looks over, confused about how this could happen. Richard walks to the boy and tears begin to well in his eyes, smiling as he suddenly hugs him. "You....you're alive!"

Tyler nods and smiles sadly, hugging in return and snuggling into the crook of his lover's neck, "I missed you Richie...I was so cold..."

"It's okay, you're safe now, I'm here..." Richard says softly, planting kisses all over Tyler's face as tears roll down his cheeks.

Tyler soon looks up at Richard, gulping as he now speaks, "Richie...I think...it's time to stop the fighting..." He says quietly, his hot pink eyes also welling up with tears as he keeps his arms around his lover.

Richard goes silent for a moment, looking at Tyler in disbelief before shaking his head and letting go. "No...no I'm not going to stop fighting..." He says, pointing his sword at Benjamin who is still in pain from the stab wound. "He needs to die"

"Richie please just stop this!" PL suddenly says, tears streaming now as he clings to Richard's arm, "All you're going to do is bring yourself into despair! This isn't right!"

"Let go of me Tyler" He growls, his eyes going dark as he looks down at the newly resurrected boy, "I am going to finish this, and I am going to have my revenge. Everyone in Wonderland is going to fear the both of us. I don't care who they think we are!"

The small boy lets out a sob and just holds on tighter, shaking his head, "N-No! I won't let you do i-it!"

"I said let GO!" He suddenly barks, shoving Tyler away from him and turning his attention back to Benjamin. With a yell, he dashes forward, attacking the man and swinging his sword at any possible angle he can.

Benjamin, luckily, manages to either just barely block or dodge the slashes, gritting his teeth as the pain in his side starts to become unbearable.

Richard sticks his leg out and trips the man over, Benjamin crying out as he lands on his back hard. In the background, Tyler is gripping his head, his eyes shut tight as he fights for control of Jeremy's body. "R...Richie...stop...!" He cries desperately, his eyes opening to reveal one to be a hot pink and the other a bright emerald green.

The King of Hearts doesn't listen however and ignores his cries, now repeatedly trying to stab the man and growing agitated when Benjamin continues to block. "JUST DIE ALREADY!" He screams, not noticing how his own guards are starting to grow afraid of him.

He growls as he suddenly knocks Benjamin's sword out of his hand, the Hatter's eyes widening as he looks up at Richard out of fear. The said brother now grins widely as he raises his sword above his head, ready to strike.

The boy behind them suddenly pulls his silver sword from his hilt, stumbling forward with tears rolling down his cheeks. No matter how hard his body resisted, the other side of the Alice pushed forward, suddenly stabbing the King of Hearts straight past a gap in his armour and through his chest.

Richard's eyes widen and his actions freeze, his breathing now hitching as he looks down at the bloody sword embedded within him. It soon pulls out and he stumbles back, looking behind him and watching as Tyler and Jeremy sob, two boys in the same body as he sees.

He falls to his knees and starts to feel his lungs failing him, trying to pull at the armour in order to try and stop the bleeding as panic starts to set in. He knows he's going to die.

No one dared make a sound as Richard did this, the Alice who caused the now slow and painful death Richard is going through soon reverting back to having hot pink eyes which are filled with tears. Tyler lets out a sob as he rushes to Richard's side, Benjamin soon moving over and gritting his teeth as he helps his brother up. "Richie...I-I'm sorry..." Tyler says as he helps, sobbing louder as he leads Richard towards the Forest of Lost Souls.

Richard can't say anything in return as he focuses on trying to breathe, his legs starting to fail him as he just lets himself be dragged along.

Vincent suddenly appears at the edge of the clearing, having been lost for quite a while in the forest. His eyes widen as he sees both of his brothers bloody and exhausted, taking note of the fact that Richard is now coughing up the blood that is filling his lungs.

"Hang on baby...just hang on..." Tyler whimpers as Vincent rushes over, helping in any way he can to bring Richard to the forest. Behind them, Simon is running as fast as he can over to help, taking Benjamin's place and helping carry the dying King with Tyler. Vincent focuses on helping Benjamin now, trying to hide the fact that he is crying.

When they lay Richard down, Tyler lays beside him, crying as he holds his lover's bloody hand. "Richie...Richie I'm coming with you...w-we'll live in this forest together...two lost souls forever...is...is that o-okay?"

Richard coughs once more before sadly smiling, turning to face Tyler and squeezing his hand weakly. "Y...Yes...that i-is...okay..."

Tyler sobs once more and hugs him, Benjamin, Vincent and Simon now standing back and leaving the two be. Suddenly, Mike is by Vincent's side, his eyes filled with tears as he clenches his fists. "G-Guys...Jeremy's still in there...he's...he's going to die..."

Vincent can't help but break down into tears now, sinking to his knees and wailing into his hands. Richard hears the wailing and glances over, his breath starting to leave him as he says his final words.

"I'm sorry"

And with those words, he died. Vincent wailed more as he could see that his older brother had stopped breathing, his ears flat against his head as he hugs his own torso. Tyler cries also and bites his lip, muttering small words under his breath as a small ball of hot pink light starts to rise from his body.

Suddenly, the Alice's words are cut short and his breathing too stops, a dark purple ball of light rising and joining the hot pink one before they both disappear from sight.

And at that moment, time stood still.


I'm sorry this chapter is lateeeeeeeee! Did chu cry? If you did then whOOPS PEOPLE DIED YEP-//SLAPPED



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