|Chapter 11|

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Richard snarls as he heads up the cobble stairs, the screams of agony from his brother being heard behind him. He makes his way to the far end of a hallway where his now dead lover lies, the male frowning as he walks inside the room.

The priest inside looks at him and quickly steps away from the boy's body, feeling scared of the King and of his rage he had seen before. "Here he is sir. I'll give you a moment..." He says before leaving the room.

He sighs as he gazes upon PL's cold body, the man knowing he will have to help carry the coffin out when it is time for the funeral.

PL is wearing a knee length dress made just for him, by order of Richard, in his own favourite colours, red, black and white. There are frills on the ends of the sleeves and the dress is in three thin layers, his hot pink eyes closed as he's laid on his back.

Richard notices how much more pale his skin is compared to when he was alive, his lips slightly parted but no breath passes through them.

He can already feel tears well up in his eyes as he stares at PL's body, reaching over and placing one of his warm hands over one of PL's cold ones. "W...We were supposed to rule Wonderland together...Tyler..." 

He grits his teeth and holds the unmoving hand, feeling a tear roll down his cheek. "A...And then h-he...killed you...I-I won't let your death be in vain, my love" 

He growls now and he slowly grins, gazing down at PL. "Sweet dreams...Tyler, I will destroy the man who has sent you into eternal sleep, and he will rot in hell for what he has done to me"

A laugh escapes as he lets go, tears still falling even with the grin on his face.

"Benjamin Moore, you will DIE"


The Mad Hatter groans as his eyes flutter open, looking around hazily and wincing in pain as he looks at his bandaged hands.

With a frown and a pained groan, he sits up slowly, noticing Mike talking to SP outside with his voice laced in worry. SP is frowning and listening to Mike talk, looking into the room Benjamin is in and spotting the Hatter now awake.

He enters the room and heads to Benjamin's side, sighing sadly as he sits on the bed gently, "Benji...how are y-you feeling?"

"I...could be better..." Benjamin says, frowning and leaning his head back against the pillow behind him, "I feel...guilty..."

"I understand t-that, but you were angry...Richard had hurt Vincent, and it's only understandable that you would want to hurt him in any way possible..."

Benjamin clenches his fist only to yelp as pain shoots through his body, SP placing his gentle hands over Benjamin's bandaged, broken ones. "Relax, look, I-I'll heal them for you, okay?"

He sighs before slowly nodding okay, SP helping him out of the bed and leading out of the room and down the hall.

Benjamin gives a slight nod to Mike as he passes him, the White Rabbit frowning as he watches Benjamin go.

The two are silent as they walk along, Benjamin not wanting to say anything as SP gently holds his hands.

They're so warm...just like they used to be...He thinks to himself, sighing quietly and walking into another room with SP.

The King sits the Hatter down at a table and sits across from him, carefully unwrapping the bandages and checking his hands. "Oh dear...they've swollen up quite a bit..." He mumbles to himself, now reaching over and grabbing several ingredients and mixing them in a bowl.

Benjamin watches as the ingredients form a paste of a sort, SP looking back at him, "Hold still" He says as he holds one of Benjamin's hands, lathering the paste all over it.

He hisses in pain and shuts his eyes tight, taking a deep breath and letting SP continue, "It's almost d-done...take deep breaths..."

He does what SP says and sigh shakily when he finishes, looking at the paste on his hands and feeling the pain slowly go away. "T...Thank you..."

"Don't mention i-it" SP says as he stands, putting the bowl in a sink, "Once your hands feel better, you may want to see Jeremy. He i-isn't doing too good"

"What's wrong?"

"He's secluding himself. M-Most likely in shock from what's h-happened"

"Does Mike-"

"Yes Mike knows. He's the o-one who told me"

Benjamin goes quiet after that and stays where he is, soon looking away and sighing, "I'm sorry Simon...about everything..."

SP looks at him and feels bad now, hesitantly going over, "I know you...didn't mean what happened..."

"Yet it still happened" He says, biting his lip and looking at his hands instead. "I'm just a big mess..."

"That isn't your fault. Things happen in this world that we can't prevent, the scroll shows us what WILL happen in the future, but sometimes things just happen. Like what happened with Tyler. You never meant for it to happen, but it happened anyway. It all leads up to the final battle" SP explains, soon patting Benjamin's shoulder gently and leaving the room.

The Hatter sighs and carefully starts to move his fingers, glad when there isn't any pain and wiping the paste off his hands.

He stands and heads out to go to Jeremy's room, worried for the boy as he sees Mike standing outside a closed door. He goes over and sighs, "Is he not letting you in?"

"I've spoken to him a tiny bit but he's just shut me out...maybe he'll listen to you" Mike frowns and turns, walking away to do his own thing.

Benjamin hesitates before knocking on the boy's door, hearing a muffled 'go away' on the other side. "Jeremy? Please let me in, I just want to talk to you"

There's a sniffle and then silence until the door unlocks with a click, opening slowly as Jeremy peeks through the gap. "W-What do y-y-you want...?"

"Are you okay?" He asks in a soft voice, frowning as he looks down at the teary-eyed boy who shakes his head. "N-No...I'm n-not..."

"Can I come in then?" He asks, Jeremy hesitating before opening the door wider to let Benjamin in. He thanks Jeremy quietly before entering, the door closing shut as the room is enveloped in silence.

"Jeremy, I understand that you're shaken up about this. I am too, but you don't need to seclude yourself like this" Benjamin says as he turns to Jeremy, a worried look crossing his features, "I'm worried about you"

"W-W-Well don't b-be...I'm f-fine..." Jeremy sniffles and wipes his eyes, his bangs covering them as he looks down at the floor instead.

The Hatter sighs and shakes his head, crossing his arms. "No, you're not. You're not fine. Mike, Simon and I are only trying to help you"

"W-What if I-I don't want y-your help!?" Jeremy suddenly snaps, a small sob escaping as he hugs his own shaking body, "What i-if I just want to h-have time to m-myself to cry!?"

"You don't have to be by yourself to let your sadness out, we're here for you..." Benjamin says, pulling Jeremy into a hug and closing his eyes before kissing the top of his forehead. "We don't want you to be alone, Jeremy..."

The boy immediately hugs Benjamin tightly and wails into his shirt, tears rolling down his cheeks, "V-Vincent...! I want Vincent b-back!"

"I...I know...I do too..." Benjamin sighs, holding the boy close and staring out the window.

Hang on Vincent, I will find a way to save you


Ooo da feels XD I remember roleplaying this part with @SpectacularRain and I swear I nearly bawled my eyes out it was that sad XD

Anyway, hope you guys enjoy this! See ya in the next one! Stay awesome!

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