|Chapter 6|

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Jeremy is still blushing by the time he joins SP and the others again, all of them sitting around a table and smiling as Jeremy comes back over.

"Good to see you're back to your original size" Benjamin says, smiling as he drinks a cup of tea.

"H-Haha, yeah, i-it was weird b-being so s-s-small" Jeremy says, avoiding eye contact with a grinning Vincent.

He sits down beside SP and Benjamin, biting his lip. "S-So what do I-I have to do...?"

"Well, the prophecy states t-that the Alice will wear a suit if shining silver armour and wield a shield stronger than iron and a sword with a blade as sharp as a tungsten needle" SP explains, pulling out a scroll with a variety of images on it.

Jeremy looks over out of interest and tilts his head, spotting an image of a boy with fluffy hair much like his, wearing a suit of armour and wielding a shield and sword as he fights another man in armour of red and black.

"I-Is that the King o-of Hearts?" Jeremy asks, pointing to the figure on the scroll.

SP nods and sighs, frowning. "Yes, that is him. He is the one y-you are destined to face"

Jeremy bites his lip as he looks through the scroll, noticing a large beast in the background. "W-What's that?"

Benjamin speaks this time, his arms crossed. "All we know is that it's a beast that the Kingdom of Hearts basically controls. They're mostly going to bring it out when it's time for the battle"

"It had also appeared many years ago when the third Alice came to Wonderland. It destroyed most of the land" SP says sadly, Benjamin grimacing at the memory of that dreadful day.

"T-That's horrible...!" Jeremy says, soon standing, "W-What do I h-have to do to s-stop this?"

"You need to find the shield and sword that goes with the armour" SP says, soon leading the group to a cabinet in which shining silver armour is held.

"O-Oh wow...s-so...I wear that?" The Alice hesitantly asks, SP nodding with a smile. "B-But if y-you're an Alice like m-me, wouldn't it f-f-fit you?"

"Well, we tried that, but unfortunately, it wouldn't fit, no matter what we tried. It o-only responds to the right Alice" SP explains, sighing softly.

Jeremy slowly nods okay and looks at Mike, Benjamin and Vincent, who are looking at him in return. "W-Well...do you g-guys wanna c-come with me to find t-the shield and s-sword?"

All 3 immediately nod and grin, feeling excited to be travelling with the Alice in search of the items. "We'll stay here" Scott says, Fritz nodding in agreement as he sits on the Hare's shoulder.

"O-Okay, well s-should we get r-ready to go?" Jeremy asks, SP speaking up however, "Haha, I haven't even told you where to look yet!"

Jeremy blushes in embarrassment and laughs, rubbing the back of his neck."W-Whoops, so where d-do we have to g-go?"

"The shield should be closeby, most likely in the Forbidden Forest from which you came from Jeremy" SP explains, Jeremy nodding okay.

"Where in the Forest is it?" Benjamin asks, SP frowning slightly when he realises the Hatter is speaking directly to him. "It should be in the main clearing, right in the middle of the Forest"

"O-Okay! Are t-there any monsters w-we should be w-worried about?"

"I don't believe s-so, no!"

"Nice! S-So we should b-be okay?"

"Yes, you should be okay"

Jeremy giggles and nods okay, rushing off to get ready to go. SP smiles and glances at Benjamin, who is smiling and blushing as he watches Jeremy run off.

Jeremy In Wonderland | FNAF AU (ON HOLD FOR EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now