|Chapter 13|

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It's a while until the two brothers make it back to the White Kingdom safely, Benjamin having resorted to carrying Vincent since he had grown weak.

SP is the first to rush out and meet them, shocked to find the bleeding male and helping Benjamin carry him inside. "How long has he been bleeding!?"

"Ever since I found him...shit, hang on Vince, we're getting you help..." Benjamin says reassuringly, Vincent whimpering as he holds on to Benjamin's jacket.

SP leads Benjamin to a special room filled with potions and medicine, getting him to lay Vincent down on a table in the centre of the room. The neko cries out in pain and grits his teeth, tears rolling down his cheeks as he continues to slowly bleed out.

"Benjamin, you may need to leave the room for this...I don't think you'll like t-to see what happens next..." SP says softly, looking at Benjamin sadly.

The Hatter hesitantly nods okay and lets go of Vincent, leaving the room as SP calls Scott in to help. Scott rushes in and his eyes widen in shock at the sight of Vincent, looking back at Benjamin before going to help.

Benjamin shuts the door and slowly walks away, feeling his heart hurt as Vincent starts to scream and cry in pain.


Benjamin is pacing out in the courtyard until SP finally comes out, bloody gloves on his hands which he quickly throws in the nearest bin. "Benjamin?"

He looks over to SP and quickly walks over, about to speak when SP raises his hand to stop him. "He's okay, he's all stitched up and currently getting the rest he needs. He d-did lose blood, but he should be healthy soon enough"

Benjamin sighs in relief and hugs SP tightly, muttering a small 'thank you' before letting go. SP smiles at him and nods before walking away, leaving Benjamin alone in the courtyard. As he walks along, he comes across Jeremy, who's talking to Scott about Vincent's condition.

SP soon walks over and puts a hand on Jeremy's shoulder, the Alice turning and sighing in relief when he sees it's SP. "Thank y-you so m-much...I'm s-so glad Vincent i-i-is okay..."

"You should be thanking Benjamin, not me. He went to get Vincent in the first place" SP explains with a smile.

Jeremy nods okay and his smile falls slightly. "U-Um...speaking of Benjamin...c-can we t-talk in p-private please?" He asks, SP nodding as Scott leaves the two alone.

SP leads Jeremy to his own room with a smile, sitting on his bed with Jeremy once they walk inside. "Okay, what would y-you like to talk about Jeremy?"

"Well...w-were you and B-Benji in a r-relationship once?"

SP's smile falls as Jeremy asks this, looking away with a sigh before slowly nodding. "Y...Yes...we were in a relationship together..."

Jeremy looks at him in surprise, biting his lip gently before asking, "R-Really...? F-For how long?" 

"Several years actually, ever since I came to Wonderland he was such a sweetheart..." SP smiles at the memory, blushing, "He was my first love...but...then...he changed..."

He goes back to frowning as he looks at his hands, sighing to himself. "He grew obsessive, and grew angry a lot more often. Eventually it just...didn't work out between us. He went back to staying with Scott and Fritz and I stayed here at the Kingdom"

"Oh...I-I'm sorry about t-that..." He says softly, feeling bad for the White King.

"I remember when he told me about his crush on Tyler...the other Alice that died...and then I realised that...he just sees me as someone else..." SP says softly, frowning.

Jeremy gulps before speaking, "T...That's what I want to t-t-talk to y-you about..."

SP looks at him in confusion, tilting his head. "I've n-noticed that...h-he makes s-sure to s-s-stay by me at all t-times...and h-he looked j-jealous whenever Vincent f-flirted with me..."

"It's...possible that he sees you as me in a way...it's a state of delusion he lets himself fall into. He is mad after all" SP says quietly, Jeremy tearing up and looking away as he stands.

"W...Well t-thank you for t-telling m-m-me about him..." He says quietly before rushing out of the room, sniffling.

So B-Benji only sees me as S-SP? B...But I t-t-thought he a-actually liked me...

Jeremy hugs his body as he quickly rushes along, yelping as he runs into a familiar Moore brothers' chest. He looks up to see a worried Benjamin. "Jeremy? Are you oka-"

"Benji, w-we need to t-t-talk" He interrupts, sniffling as he grabs Benjamin's hand and leads him into the closest room near them.

He soon shuts the door and turns to Benjamin with tears in his eyes. "Do you only like me because I look like Simon!?" He yells slightly, his voice cracking at the sudden rise in volume.

"W-What do you mean?" Benjamin asks, shocked as his eyes widen. "D-Don't play i-i-innocen-nt! You only l-l-like me because I-I look like S-Simon!"

Benjamin frowns now, annoyed at Jeremy's behaviour. "What makes you think that!?"

"T-The fact t-t-that you're practically o-obsessed over me! Y-You get so j-j-jealous whenever s-someone tries t-to talk to m-me! I've seen i-it!"

"Jeremy, you don't know what you're talking about-"


Everything goes silent as Jeremy's shoulders shake from the sudden scream, a small sob escaping. "You're j-just thinking o-of me as S-S-Simon because you m-miss him...you d-don't actually like me..."

"Jeremy that's not true I-" Benjamin's head is jerked to the side as a hand mark appears on his face, Jeremy now holding his hand since it hurt from slapping the older male. "Shut up! J-Just shut up!" 

Benjamin goes quiet as he rubs his cheek, feeling his anger grow as he glares at Jeremy. "As I said before; you don't know what you're talking about"

He suddenly storms out of the room and holds his cheek, SP watching him leave and biting his lip with a sigh.

Jeremy soon buries his face in his hands and sobs, sitting on the floor and soon pulling his knees to his chest. W...What have I d-done...? W-What if h-he was telling the truth...!? Oh god I-I-I'm a terrible friend!

He continues to cry and whimper, SP hearing his cries and frowning as he leaves him be. He remembers going through that himself, and the only way he could get over it was by getting himself back on his feet without anyone's help.

With a sigh, he heads to the Head Guard, the said guard standing at attention when SP walks over. "At ease, I want you to prepare the defences for the Kingdom. I sense something bad is going to happen soon and we must be prepared for it"

"As you command, sir" The guard says before rushing off to prepare the defences, SP looking up at the now cloudy and dark grey sky.

"If this is my final battle, then so be it"


Here we go another chapter wooooooo! And there's lots of feels in this one XD I hope you guys enjoyed this! See ya in the next one!

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