|Chapter 27|

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Just a little trigger warning that near the end there will be a panic attack from one of the characters so just keep that in mind if you're a bit sensitive to those kind of things!


Simon is grumbling and growling as he paces to and fro, muttering to himself in an angry tone as Jeremy and Benjamin exchange worried glances. "Simon love, it's okay maybe we can just wait until the sun rises in order to leave. The Bloodhounds prefer the darkness, remember?" Benjamin says as he goes to his small lover, about to place a hand on his shoulder when Simon merely swats it away out of annoyance. "Benjamin this is the LAST place I want to be right now. We can't stay here, we must leave" He snaps and shoots a cold glare Benjamin's way, the Hatter feeling hurt by the King's stare.

He hides his hurt however by frowning and glancing away, his lips thinning into a line before he turns his attention to his brother. Poor Vincent is now shaking as his ears flatten against his head, the neko now growing afraid at the newfound information that this was where he was held captive and tortured by his own brother. Not fun. With a sigh, Benjamin gently pats his back as a sign of comfort, Vincent relaxing slightly from his brother's touch and sending a small smile his way.

"Your Majesty, I'm s-sorry but...I c-can't keep going" Scott says, his entire body hurting as he leans against the abandoned castle walls. "All of us are exhausted, w-we got out of a mudslide to t-then be attacked by B-Bloodhounds...! Both Benjamin and V-Vincent are injured, and not to m-mention the burns you have. We need rest" It's silent for the meantime until Simon huffs and frowns, admitting defeat as he cautiously approaches the Red Kingdom's gates.

He's about to push them open when Benjamin does it for him, the iron clad gates creaking as they ever so slowly push open. It may not have been a long time since Richard died, but the deserted Kingdom seemed like it's been in its abandoned state for many hundred years. An eerie atmosphere settles upon the newcomers as they hesitantly enter the Kingdom grounds, an unnatural cold suddenly rushing through their bodies and leaving them with goosebumps. On edge, exhausted and sore, the group now make their way into the actual castle where it's warmer.

Vincent shivers and rubs his arms carefully before looking around inside, noticing the dust now starting to collect on the windowsills and furniture. He shudders at his memories of being here and grits his teeth as the wound on his stomach begins to sting, his shirt and his jacket sticking to the wound due to the dried blood. He whimpers as he manages to pull the clinging cloths off of his skin, his breathing shaky as he pulls the shirt up and ties it at his waist with his jacket to prevent the clothing from getting in the way. "B-Benji, c-can we find a medicine r-room? M-My w-wound is r-reopening..." 

Benjamin looks over and worry immediately flooding his features as he stays by his brother's side, soon looking around for any sort of sign of a medicine room. "You guys find the bedrooms, I'll go get Vincent healed along with Simon" The Hatter says, Mike nodding as he leads Scott and Fritz along in search of the bedrooms. In the meantime, Vincent, Benjamin and Simon head upstairs to find the medicine room, Jeremy following since he wants to make sure that they're all okay.

With his tail in between his legs, Vincent helps look in room after room after room, disappointed every time they open a door and find only large banquet rooms or armouries. "Dammit, there has to be one around here somewhere...!" Benjamin says with a small huff, growing impatient now since he just wants to go to bed. Jeremy smiles however and floats over to a door that hasn't been opened yet, phasing through the walls and looking inside to find that it's the room they are searching for. Once the other 3 realise this they make their way over to where Jeremy is and push the door open, Vincent soon being seated on the bench inside.

Jeremy In Wonderland | FNAF AU (ON HOLD FOR EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now